owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● MissedCalls “Messaging” 2. The system will prompt you for a command.
Speak this command to list the last fiveSpeak this command to access text messagingSay “Call”.
missed calls to the vehicle. If the call is from 3. Select one of the available voice commands
an entry in the phonebook, the name will befunctions. For additional information on these
displayed. Otherwise, the phone number ofcommands,referto“Textmessaging”inthissec-to continue:
the missed call will be displayed.tion. ● “(a name)” – Speak the name of a phone-
Say“Dial”to call the number or “Send Text”“ShowApplications”book entry to place a call to that entry. The
to send a text message to that number. Say system will respond with the name it inter-
“Next Entry” or “Previous Entry” to moveSpeak this command to display list of smart-preted from your command and will prompt
through the list of missed calls.phone apps available.you to confirm that the name is correct. Say
● Outgoing Calls “Yes” to initiate the call or “No” to hear an-
Speak this command to list the last fiveNOTE: other name from the phonebook.
outgoing calls from the vehicle. If the callCompatible smartphone and registration● “Number”–Speakthiscommandtoplacea
wastoanentryinthephonebook,thenamenecessarytoaccessapplications.Foraddi-call by inputting numbers.
will be displayed. Otherwise, the phonetionalinformation,referto“Nissan-For 7- and 10-digit phone numbers, speak
number of the outgoing call will be dis-ConnectSM with Mobile Apps” in this sec-
played. the numbers. When finished, say “Dial” to
Say“Dial”to call the number or “Send Text”tion. initiate the call. Say “Correction” at any time
to send a text message to that number. Say“Select Phone or Device”in the process to correct a misspoken or
“Next Entry” or “Previous Entry” to move misinterpreted number.
through the list of outgoing calls.Speak this command to select a phone to useFor phone numberswithmoredigitsorspe-
● Redial from a list of those phones connected to thecial characters, say “Special Number”, then
Speakthis commandtocallthelastnumbervehicle. speak the digits. Up to 24 digits can be
dialed. MAKINGACALL entered. Available special characters are
“star”, “pound”, “plus” and “pause”. When
● Call Back To make a call from a phone connected to thefinished, say “Dial” to initiate the call. Say
Speak this command to call the number ofvehicle’s Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone Sys-“Correction” at any time in the process to
the last incoming call to the vehicle.tem: correct a misspoken or misinterpreted num-
ber or character.
1. Press thebutton.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-83

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year of production from: 2013

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