owners manual Toyota RAV4
owners manual Toyota RAV4 - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Toyota RAV4 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota RAV4, year of production 2000 - 2005:
’02 Rav4_U (L/O 0108)
7. ALT–S 5 AChar: ging system
8. IGN 15 A:St arting system, multiport
fuel injection system/sequential multi-
port fuel injection system
9. EFI3 10 A:M ultiport fuel injection sys-
tem/sequential multiport fuel injection
system, emission control system
10. EFI2 5 A:M ultiport fuel injection sys-
tem/sequential multiport fuel injection
11. A/F 20 A:A/ F sensor
12. ABS2 30 A:Ant i–lock brake system
Instrument panel 13. EFI1 20 A:M ultiport fuel injection sys-
tem/sequential multiport fuel injection
Fuses (type A) system, “EFI2” and “EFI3” fuses
1. RADIO 15 A:Car audio system14. H–LP RH 10 A: Right–hand headlight
2. DOME 10 A:Cl ock, personal light, in-15. H–LP LH 10 A: Left–hand headlight
terior lights, air conditioning system, 16. ST 5 A:St arting system
wireless remote control system, head- 17. STOP 10 A:St op lights, high–mounted
light high beam indicator light, gaugesstoplight, anti–lock brake system ,shift
and meters lock control system, multiport fuel in-
3. CUT 30 A: “RADIO” and “DOME” fusesjection system/sequential multiport fuel
4. A/C 5 AAi: r conditioning system
injection system, cruise control system
5. MAIN 30 A: “H–LP RH” and “H–LP LH” 18. CIG 15 A:Ci garette lighter
fuses 19. POWER OUTLET 15 A:Pow er outlets
Engine compartment 6. HAZ 10 A: Emergency flashers20. S–HTR 10 A: No circuit
258 2002 MY RAV4_U (OM42503U)

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year of production from: 2000

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