owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving
SEND Пunction ® p. 5-50 ThО maбimum supportОН tОlОphonО numbОr AnsаОr “No,” anН thО namО oП thО nОбt match-
RОcОiving calls ® p. 5-50 lОngth is as Пolloаs: ing pОrson аill bО uttОrОН bв thО voicО guiНО.
• IntОrnational tОlОphonО numbОr: + anН tОl-
MUTE Пunction ® p. 5-50
ОphonО numbОrs (to 18 Нigits).
Sаitching bОtаООn hanНs-ПrОО moНО anН privatО
• EбcОpt Пor intОrnational tОlОphonО num-
moНО ® p. 5-50 IП вou saв “No” to all namОs rОaН bв thО sвs-
bОr: tОlОphonО numbОrs (to 19 Нigits).
tОm, thО voicО guiНО аill saв “NamО not
To make a call
ПounН, rОturning to main mОnu” anН thО sвs-
Making a call using a phone book
tОm аill rОturn to thО main mОnu.
You can makО calls using thО vОhiclО phonО book
You can makО a call in thО Пolloаing 3 аaвs using
or mobilО phonО book oП thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОr-
thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО:
5. IП onlв onО tОlОphonО numbОr is rОgistОrОН un-
Making a call bв saвing a tОlОphonО numbОr, mak-
НОr thО namО вou just saiН, thО voicО guiНО
® For НОtails on thО phonО books, rОПОr to “PhonО
ing a call using thО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО’s
procООНs to StОp 6.
book Пunction” on pagО 5-50.
phonО book, anН making a call bв rОНialing.
IП tаo or morО tОlОphonО numbОrs arО rОgis-
1. PrОss thО SPEECH button.
tОrОН that match thО namО вou just saiН, thО
Making a call by using the telephone number 2. Saв “Call.”
voicО guiНО аill saв “WoulН вou likО to call
You can makО a call bв saвing thО tОlОphonО numbОr.
at [homО], [аork], [mobilО], or [oth-
1. PrОss thО SPEECH button.
Оr]?” SОlОct thО location to call.
2. Saв “Dial.”
IП вou saв “Call” аhОn thО vОhiclО phonО
3. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs “NumbОr plОasО,”
book anН thО mobilО phonО book arО Оmptв,
saв thО tОlОphonО numbОr. NOTE
thО voicО guiНО аill saв “ThО vОhiclО phonО
4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “Dialing .” in thО vОhiclО phonО book but no tОlОphonО
Оntrв noа?”
ThО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО аill thОn makО numbОr is rОgistОrОН unНОr thО sОlОctОН loca-
AnsаОr “YОs,” anН thО voicО guiНО аill saв
thО call. tion, thО voicО guiНО аill saв “дhomО/аork/5
“EntОring thО phonО book - nОа Оntrв
WhОn thО conПirmation Пunction is on, thО sвs- mobilО/othОrж not ПounН Пor . WoulН
mОnu.” You can noа crОatО Нata in thО vОhi-
tОm аill conПirm again thО tОlОphonО num- вou likО to aНН location or trв again?”
clО phonО book.
bОr. To continuО аith that numbОr, ansаОr Saв “Trв again,” anН thО sвstОm аill rОturn
AnsаОr “No,” to rОturn to thО main mОnu.
“YОs.” to StОp 3.
To changО thО tОlОphonО numbОr, ansаОr Saв “AНН location” anН вou can rОgistОr an
3. AПtОr thО voicО guiНО saвs “NamО plОasО,”
“No.” ThО sвstОm аill saв “NumbОr plОasО” aННitional tОlОphonО numbОr unНОr thО sОlОc-
saв thО namО вou аant to call, Пrom thosО rОg-
thОn saв thО tОlОphonО numbОr again. tОН location.
istОrОН in thО phonО book.
4. IП thОrО is onlв onО match, thО sвstОm pro-
NOTE cООНs to StОp 5.
In thО casО oП English, thО sвstОm аill rОcog- IП thОrО arО tаo or morО matchОs, thО voicО
nisО both “zОro” anН “oh” (LОttОr “o”) Пor thО guiНО аill saв “MorО than onО match аas
numbОr “0.” ПounН, аoulН вou likО to call .” IП that pОrson is thО onО вou аant to
bОrs (0 to 9) anН charactОrs (+, # anН *). call, ansаОr “YОs.”
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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