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owners manual Nissan Pathfinder

owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (2.69 MB) 299 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
year around, including snowy and icy road con-models, they must also be the same size, brand,equipped tire size. Other types may damage ditions. All season tires are identified by ALLconstruction and tread pattern on all fouryour vehicle. Use chain tensioners when recom- SEASONand/orM&Sonthetiresidewall.Snowwheels. mendedbythetirechainmanufacturertoensure tires have better snow traction than all seasonIfyou operate your vehicle in snowy or icya tight fit. Loose end links of the tire chain must tires and may be more appropriate in someconditions, NISSAN recommends the use ofbesecuredorremovedtopreventthepossibility areas. SNOWorALLSEASONtireonallfourwheels.of whipping action damage to the fenders or Summer tires underbody. If possible, avoid fully loading your Foradditionaltraction on icy roads, studded tiresvehicle when using tire chains. In addition, drive NISSANspecifiessummertiresonsomemodelsmay be used. However, some provinces andat a reduced speed. Otherwise, your vehicle may to provide superior performance on dry roads.states prohibit their use. Check local, state andbedamagedand/orvehiclehandling and perfor- Summertireperformanceinsnowandicewillbeprovincial laws before installing studded tires.mance may be adversely affected. substantially reduced. Summer tires do not haveSkid and traction capabilities of studded snowNever install tire chains on TEMPORARY USE the tire traction rating M&S on the tire sidewall.tires, on wet or dry surfaces, may be poorer thanONLYspare tires. that of non-studded snow tires. Ifyou operate your vehicle in snowy or icyTIRE CHAINSDo not use tire chains on dry roads. conditions, NISSAN recommends the use of Tire chains must be installed only on the SNOWorALLSEASONtiresonallfourwheels.Use of tire chains is prohibited according torear wheels and not on the front wheels. Snow tires location. Check the local laws before installingDo not drive with tire chains on paved roads tire chains. When installing tire chains, makewhich are clear of snow. Driving with chains in If snow tires are needed, it is necessary to selectsure they are of proper size for the tires on yoursuch conditions can cause damage to the vari- tires equivalent in size and load rating to thevehicle and are installed according to the chainous mechanisms of the vehicle due to some original equipment tires. If you do not, it canmanufacturer’s suggestions. Use only SAEoverstress. When driving on clear paved roads, adversely affect the safety and handling of yourclass S chains. Class “S” chains are used onbe sure to change to 2WD. vehicle. vehicles with restricted tire to vehicle clearance. Generally, snow tires will have lower speedVehicles that can use Class “S” chains are ratings than factory equipped tires and may notdesigned to meet the SAE standard minimum match the potential maximum vehicle speed.clearances between the tire and the closest Never exceed the maximum speed rating of thevehicle suspension or body component required tire. to accommodate the use of a winter traction device (tire chains or cables). The minimum Ifyou install snow tires on four wheel driveclearances are determined using the factory 8-36 Maintenance and do-it-yourself 03.1.28/R50-D/V5 
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year of production from: 1996

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