owners manual Peugeot 2008
owners manual Peugeot 2008 - year of production: 2013 - Peugeot 2008 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 2008, year of production 2013:
Audio and Telematics
Emergency call
Test of operation of the system:
The green indicator lamp comes on for The "PEUGEOT Connect SOS" centre immediately
3 seconds when the ignition is switched locates your vehicle, communicates in your language*,
on, signifying that a call can be made.and depending on the circumstances, makes a call to
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer if the the appropriate public emergency services*.
orange indicator lamp comes on:
- flashing, then off: the system has Conditions for use:
a fault. - In countries where the service is not
- on fixed: the back-up battery available, or when the locating service has
must be replaced. been expressly declined, the call is sent
In either case, the emergency and assistance directly to the emergency services (112)
calls service may not work.without the vehicle location. 112 is the
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon as telephone number reserved for emergency
possible. calls and is accepted throughout the
European Union.
- "PEUGEOT Connect SOS" is subject to
The fault with the system does not the terms and conditions for the service
prevent the vehicle being driven.available from dealers, and to technological
Operation: "Emergency call".and technical limitations.
Pressing this button for more than 2 seconds starts
* Depending on the geographical cover of a call to the PEUGEOT Connect SOS centre.Inadvertent press:
"PEUGEOT Connect SOS", "PEUGEOT - The green indicator lamp flashes.- pressing brings on the green indicator lamp.
Connect Assistance" and the official national - A voice message confirms that the call is being - pressing again immediately cancels the call.
language selected by the owner of the vehicle.dealt with.A voice message confirms the cancellation.
The list of countries covered and PEUGEOT The green indicator lamp on fixed indicates that - if the call connects, explain to the contact
CONNECT services is available from dealers or communication has been established. It goes off at that it was a mistake. The green indicator
at www.peugeot.co.uk. the end of the communication.lamp goes off at the end of the call.

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year of production from: 2013

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