owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving
7. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “DОlОtОН,” anН thОnNOTE plОasО?” Saв thО numbОr oП thО НОvicО tag
thО sвstОm аill ОnН thО НОvicО НОlОtion proc-IП вou prОss anН rОlОasО thО SPEECH buttonвou аant to changО.
Оss. anН saв “ContinuО” or “PrОvious” аhilО thО
list is bОing rОaН, thО sвstОm аill aНvancО or
rОаinН thО list.
NOTE You can prОss anН rОlОasО thО SPEECH but-
Saв “ContinuО” to procООН to thО НОvicО аith
IП thО НОvicО НОlОtion procОss Пails Пor somО ton аhilО thО list is bОing rОaН, anН immОНi-
thО nОбt highОst numbОr or “PrОvious” to rО-
rОason, thО voicО guiНО аill saв “DОlОtО atОlв saв thО numbОr oП thО НОvicО tag вou
turn to thО phonО аith thО prОvious numbОr.
ПailОН” anН thОn thО sвstОm аill cancОl НОlОt- аant to changО.
You can changО thО НОvicО tag bв prОssing
ing thО НОvicО. l
anН rОlОasing thО SPEECH button anН thОn
6. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “NОа namО,
saвing “EНit” аhilО thО list is bОing rОaН.
plОasО.” Saв thО namО вou аant to rОgistОr as
To check a paired Bluetooth device
You can changО thО phonО to bО connОctОН
E00760800017 a nОа НОvicО tag.
bв prОssing anН rОlОasing thО SPEECH but-
You can chОck a pairОН BluОtooth НОvicО bв Пol- WhОn thО conПirmation Пunction is on, thО
ton anН thОn saвing “SОlОct phonО” аhilО thО
loаing thО stОps bОloа. voicО guiНО аill saв “. Is
list is bОing rОaН.
1. PrОss thО SPEECH button. this corrОct?” AnsаОr “YОs.”
You can changО thО music plaвОr to bО con-
2. Saв “SОtup”. AnsаОr “No,” to saв thО nОа НОvicО tag вou
nОctОН bв prОssing anН rОlОasing thО
3. Saв “Pairing options.” аant to rОgistОr again.
SPEECH button anН thОn saвing “SОlОct mu-
4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “SОlОct onО oП thО 7. ThО НОvicО tag is changОН.
sic plaвОr” аhilО thО list is bОing rОaН.
Пolloаing: pair, ОНit, НОlОtО, or list.” Saв WhОn thО changО is complОtО, thО voicО
“List.” guiНО аill saв “NОа namО savОН” anН thОn
Changing a device tag
5. ThО voicО guiНО аill rОaН out НОvicО tags oП thО sвstОm аill rОturn to thО main mОnu.
corrОsponНing НОvicОs in orНОr, starting аith
You can changО thО НОvicО tag oП a pairОН cОllular
thО BluОtooth НОvicО that has bООn connОc-
phonО or music plaвОr. Operating a music player connected
tОН most rОcОntlв.
Folloа thО stОps bОloа to changО a НОvicО tag. ®
® via Bluetooth
AПtОr thО НОvicО tags oП all pairОН BluОtooth
1. PrОss thО SPEECH button. E00761000032
НОvicОs havО bООn rОaН, thО sвstОm аill saв
2. Saв “SОtup”. For thО opОration oП a music plaвОr connОctОН via
“EnН oП list, аoulН вou likО to start Пrom thО
3. Saв “Pairing options.”
BluОtooth , rОПОr to “To plaв tracks Пrom a BluО-
4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “SОlОct onО oП thО®
tooth НОvicО” on pagО 5-30.
To hОar thО list again Пrom thО bОginning , an-
Пolloаing: pair, ОНit, НОlОtО, or list.” Saв “EН-
sаОr “YОs.” WhОn вou arО НonО, ansаОr
How to make or receive hands-free calls
“No” to rОturn to thО main mОnu.
5. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “PlОasО saв,” anН
rОaН out thО numbОrs oП thО BluОtooth НОvi-You can makО or rОcОivО hanНs-ПrОО calls using a
cОs anН НОvicО tags oП corrОsponНing НОvicОsBluОtooth compatiblО cОllular phonО connОctОН to
® ®
in orНОr, starting аith thО BluОtooth thatthО BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО.
has bООn most rОcОntlв connОctОН. You can also usО thО phonО books in thО BluО-
AПtОr all pairОН НОvicО tags havО bООn rОaН,®
tooth 2.0 intОrПacО to makО calls аithout Нialling
thО voicО guiНО аill saв “Which НОvicО,
tОlОphonО numbОrs.
To makО a call ® p. 5-49

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year of production from: 2010

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Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual
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