owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 255
ConnectedDrive Communication
Operating Apps
Data transfer
1. Connect the mobile phone via the snap-in
During the updating of BMW services, display
adapter or via the USB audio interface.
the status of the data transfer.
2. "ConnectedDrive"
1. "BMW Assist" or "ConnectedDrive"
3. Select the desired software application.
2. Open "Options".
3. "Data transfer" Displaying status
Information about the currently available softѪ
ware applications can be displayed.
1. "ConnectedDrive"
2. "BMW apps"
At a glance
Certain software applications of a suitable moѪ
bile phone can be integrated in the vehicle.
These software applications are displayed on▷ The ranges of Apps that can be displayed
the Control Display. on the Control Display depend on the
range of installed software applications on
They are operated via iDrive.
the mobile phone.
▷ The data transmission of the software apѪ
plications from the mobile phone to the veѪ
▷ The mobile phone is suitable.
hicle can last some time. Some software
▷ The mobile phone operating system supѪ
applications depend on the speed of the
ports the software applications of Apps.
available Internet connection of the mobile
▷ Software applications are installed on the phone.
mobile phone and ready to use.
▷ Some mobile phones cannot simultaneѪ
▷ Corresponding mobile wireless contract. ously use Apps and the Bluetooth hands-
free system.
Any additionally incurred costs are not a
part of Apps. If necessary, restart the software applicaѪ
tion on the mobile phone after a phone
▷ Use only BMW approved software applicaѪ
tions; otherwise, it may result in malfuncѪ
Information about suitable mobile phones,
available software applications and their instalѪ
lation can be found at www.bmw.com/connecѪ
tivity or at the service center.
Create the entries.
Make entries only when traffic and road
conditions allow. Otherwise, the vehicle occuѪ
pants and other road users may be put in danѪ
ger because of the distraction from driving.
For reasons of safety, some software applicaѪ
tions are usable only while the vehicle is staѪ
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13
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year of production from: 2014
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
pages 252 - 258
BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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