owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Driving your vehicle
Be sure the exhaust system does WARNING- Open liftgate CALIFORNIA PROPO-
not leak. SITION 65 WARNING
Do not drive with the liftgate
The exhaust system should be
open.Poisonous exhaust gases
checked whenever the vehicle is Engine exhaust and a wide vari-
can enter the passenger com-
raised to change the oil or for any ety of automobile components
other purpose. If you hear a change inpartment. If you must drive withand parts, including compo-
the sound of the exhaust or if you drivethe liftgate open proceed as fol-nents found in the interior fur-
over something that strikes the under-lows: nishings in a vehicle, contain or
neath side of the vehicle, have the emit chemicals known to the
exhaust system checked as soon as 1. Close all windows.State of California to cause can-
possible by an authorized Kia dealer.2. Open side vents.cer and birth defects and repro-
3. Set the air intake control at
ductive harm. In addition, cer-
“Fresh”, the air flow control
WARNING- Engine at “Floor” or “Face” and thetain fluids contained in vehicles
exhaust fan at the highest speed.and certain products of compo-
Do not inhale exhaust fumes or nent wear contain or emit chem-
leave your engine running in a icals known to the State of
enclosed area for a prolonged California to cause cancer and
time. Exhaust fumes contain birth defects or other reproduc-
carbon monoxide, a colorless, tive harm.
odorless gas that can cause
unconsciousness and death by
5 4
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
pages 251 - 257
KIA Stinger owners manual
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