owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
5. Pressthe(TypeA)orthe(Type
UsethePhonebookDownloadOFFcommandtoVoice Adaptation (VA) allows up to two out-of-B) button.
turn off the automatic downloading of the hand-dialect users to train the system to improve rec-For additional information on selecting a dif-
set phonebook to the available (if supported byognition accuracy. By repeating a number offerent language, refer to “Choosing a lan-
the cellular phone). When the command is rec-commands,theuserscancreateavoicemodelofguage”in this section.
ognized,“SyncContactsOFF”willappearonthetheir own voice that is stored in the system. The
audio display. systemiscapableofstoringadifferentVAmodel6. Voice memory A or memory B is selected
To turn the feature back on, say “Phonebookfor each connected phone.automatically. If both memory locations are
Download”. When the command is recognized, already in use, the system will prompt you to
“Sync Contacts ON” will appear on the audioTraining procedureoverwrite one. Follow the instructions pro-
display. The procedure for training a voice is as follows.vided by the system.
“Display Settings” G 7. When preparation is complete and you are
1. Position the vehicle in a reasonably quiet
Use the Display Settings command to controloutdoor location.ready to begin, press the(Type A) or
whereincomingcallnotificationsaredisplayedin the (Type B) button.
the vehicle. Say “Driver Only” to have call notifi-2. Sit in the driver’s seat with the engine run-8. The VA mode will be explained. Follow the
cations shown on the vehicle information displayning,theparkingbrakeon,andthetransmis-instructions provided by the system.
only. Say “Both” to have call notifications shownsion in P (Park).
on both the vehicle information display and the3. Press and hold the(Type A) or9. Whentrainingisfinished,thesystemwilltell
center audio display. the (Type B) button for more thanyou an adequate number of phrases are
To turn the feature back on, say “Phonebook5seconds. recorded.
Download”. When the command is recognized,4. Thesystemannounces:“Pressthe10. The system will announce that voice adap-
“Sync Contacts ON” will appear on the audio tationhasbeencompletedandthesystemis
display. PHONE/SEND (TypeA)orthe ready.
(Type B) button for the hands-free phoneThe VA mode will stop if:
system to enter the voice adaptation mode
orpressthePHONE/END() button to● The(Type A) or the(Type B)
select a different language.”buttonispressedformorethan5secondsin
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-81

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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