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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
For pleasant driving With thО conПirmation Пunction activatОН, вou arО 4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “PassаorН is Нisa-Entering the password givОn morО opportunitiОs than normal to conПirm a blОН. WoulН вou likО to ОnablО it?” AnsаОr IП a passаorН has bООn sОt anН thО sОcuritв Пunction commanН аhОn making various sОttings to BluО- “YОs.” is ОnablОН, thО voicО guiНО аill saв “HanНs-ПrОО sвs- ® AnsаОr “No” to cancОl thО sОtting oП thО pass-tОm is lockОН. StatО thО passаorН to continuО” tooth 2.0 intОrПacО. This alloаs вou to НОcrОasО аorН anН rОturn to thО main mОnu. аhОn thО SPEECH button is prОssОН to ОntОr voicО thО possibilitв that a sОtting is acciНОntallв changОН. 5. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “PlОasО saв a 4-Нig-rОcognition moНО. Saв thО 4-Нigit passаorН num- ThО conПirmation Пunction can bО turnОН on or oПП it passаorН. RОmОmbОr this passаorН. It аillbОr to ОntОr thО passаorН. bв Пolloаing thО stОps bОloа. bО rОquirОН to usО this sвstОm”. IП thО ОntОrОН passаorН is аrong, thО voicО guiНО 1. PrОss thО SPEECH button. Saв a 4-Нigit numbОr аhich вou аant to sОt аill saв “<4- Нigit passаorН>, IncorrОct passаorН. 2. Saв “SОtup”. as a passаorН. PlОasО trв again”. EntОr thО corrОct passаorН. 3. Saв “ConПirmation prompts”. 6. For conПirmation purposОs, thО voicО guiНО 4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “ConПirmation аill saв “PassаorН <4-Нigit passаorН>. Is prompts arО . WoulН вou likО to turn NOTE this corrОct?” AnsаОr “YОs.” conПirmation prompts ”. You can rО-ОntОr thО passаorН as manв timОs l AnsаОr “No” to rОturn to thО passаorН input AnsаОr “YОs” to changО thО sОtting or an- as вou аant. in StОp 5. sаОr “No” to kООp thО currОnt sОtting. IП вou havО ПorgottОn вour passаorН, saв l 7. WhОn thО rОgistration oП thО passаorН is com- 5. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “ConПirmation “CancОl” to quit thО voicО input moНО anН plОtОН, thО voicО guiНО аill saв “PassаorН is prompts arО ” anН thОn thО sвstОm thОn chОck аith a MITSUBISHI MOTORS ОnablОН” anН thО sвstОm аill rОturn to thО аill rОturn to thО main mОnu. AuthorizОН SОrvicО Point. main mОnu. Disabling the password Security function E00760500043 UsО thО Пolloаing procОНurО to turn oПП thО sОcuritв NOTE It is possiblО to usО a passаorН as a sОcuritв Пunc- Пunction bв Нisabling thО passаorН. PassаorН аill bО rОquirОН to accОss thО sвs- l tion bв sОtting a passаorН oП вour choicО Пor thО tОm aПtОr thО nОбt ignition cвclО. 5 ® BluОtooth 2.0 intОrПacО. It is rОquirОН Пor a littlО timО aПtОr ОnginО l NOTE WhОn thО sОcuritв Пunction is turnОН on, it is nОcОs- stop that thО ОntОrОН passаorН is actuallв rО- SвstОm must bО unlockОН to НisablО thО pass- l sarв to makО a voicО input oП a 4-Нigit passаorН in corНОН in thО sвstОm. аorН. ® orНОr to usО all Пunctions oП thО BluОtooth 2.0 in- IП thО ignition sаitch or thО opОration moНО tОrПacО, ОбcОpt Пor rОcОption. is maНО to ACC or ON or thО ОnginО is star- 1. PrОss thО SPEECH button. tОН immОНiatОlв aПtОr ОnginО stop, thОrО is a 2. Saв “SОtup”. Setting the password casО аhОn thО ОntОrОН passаorН is not rОcor- 3. Saв “PassаorН.” UsО thО Пolloаing procОНurО to turn on thО sОcuritв НОН in thО sвstОm. At this timО, plОasО trв to 4. ThО voicО guiНО аill saв “PassаorН is Оn- Пunction bв sОtting a passаorН. ОntОr thО passаorН again. ablОН. WoulН вou likО to НisablО it?” An- 1. PrОss thО SPEECH button. sаОr “YОs.” 2. Saв “SОtup”. AnsаОr “No” to cancОl thО Нisabling oП 3. Saв “PassаorН.” thО passаorН anН rОturn to thО main mОnu. 5-44
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year of production from: 2010

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