owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
3. With the wheel wrench, tighten the wheel bolts COLD pressure is the tyre pressure as measured Removingthewheellockbolt:
alternately and evenly in the sequence as illus-after the vehicle has been parked for three hours or1. Insert the wheel lock key j1 to the wheel lock
trated (j1-j5 ) until they are tight. more or driven for less than 1.6 km (1 mile). bolt.
4. Lower the vehicle slowly until the tyre touchesCOLDtyrepressuresareshownonthetyreplacard 2. To remove the wheel lock bolt, turn the wheel
the ground. affixed to the driver’s side centre pillar. lock key anticlockwise using the wheel wrench.
5. Tighten the wheel bolts securely using the wheelStowing the wheel and tools CAUTION
wrench in the sequence as illustrated. Securely store the wheel with the flat tyre, the jack
6. Lower the vehicle completely. • Donotuseapowertooltoremovethewheel
and the tools in the specified storage areas. lock bolts.
7. Install the wheel cover (where fitted). Wheel lock bolts (where fitted) • When installing the wheel, tighten the wheel
NOTE In order to prevent theft, the specially designed lock bolts to the same tightening torque as
Beforeinstallation, align NISSAN logo (centre wheellockboltisinstalledtoeachwheel.Thewheel the normal wheel bolts. For details, see “In-
cap) with the wheel bolts/or perpendicular to lock bolt cannot be removed with the commonly stalling the wheel” earlier in this section.
valve hole (where fitted), to correctly align toused tools. NOTE
the centre. When removing tyres, use the lock key provided • Thewheellockbolthasanindividualcode.
Wheel bolt tightening torque: with your vehicle. Awheel lock key with other than the indi-
113 N•m(12kg-m,83ft-lb) vidual code cannot remove the wheel lock
As soon as possible, tighten the wheel bolts to bolt. If you lose the wheel lock key, con-
the specified torque with a torque wrench. tact a NISSAN dealer for a duplicate with
the original wheel lock key code.
WARNING • Record the key number as shown on the
Retighten the wheel bolts after the vehicle has key code card on the “Security informa-
been driven for 1,000 km (600 miles) (also in tion” page at the end of this manual and
cases of a flat tyre, etc.). keep it in a safe place, not in the vehicle.
The wheel bolts must be kept tightened to specifi- • When you ask for a service at a NISSAN
NCE143Z dealer or qualified workshop, make sure
cation at all times. It is recommended that the wheel to keep the lock key in the vehicle. Other-
bolts be tightened to specification at each mainte- wise, wheels cannot be removed and the
nance interval. service cannot be performed.
Adjust the tyre pressure to the COLD pressure.
6-6 In case of emergency
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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