owners manual Land Rover Range Rover
owners manual Land Rover Range Rover - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Land Rover Range Rover III 3 L322 owners manual EN
pdf (15.94 MB) 358 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Land Rover Range Rover, year of production 2002 - 2012:
Cleaning and Vehicle Care
Cleaning and Vehicle Care
WASHING YOUR VEHICLE Underbody maintenance
Corrosive materials used on highways to
control snow and ice and dust can collect on
underbody parts. If these materials are not
removed, accelerated corrosion can occur. Use
a hose to regularly flush the underbody with
plain water, taking partic ular care to thoroughly
clean those areas where mud and other debris
can easily collect.
Similarly, after off-road driving or wading in
muddy or salt water conditions, use a hose to
wash underbody components and other
exposed parts of the vehicle.
When using a hose, do not direct the jet into the
LAN0337G engine air intake, which is located on the
Caution: Never aim a high pressure water jet right-hand-side front fender (viewed from
directly at the engine air intake, heater air driver’s position), or the heater air intake ducts,
intakes, body and sunroof seals, or at any or through the wheel trim apertures onto the
components that might easily be damaged. brake components, or at the door, window or
Do not use a high pressure washer in the sunroof seals, where water pressure could
engine bay area. Damage to components penetrate the seals.
could occur. If damage or corrosion to the underbody area is
Remove heavy deposits of mud and dirt with a detected, please have the vehicle checked by a
hose before washing the vehicle. Land Rover Dealer at the earliest opportunity.
Wash the vehicle freque ntly using a sponge and Cleaning after off-road driving
generous quantities of co ld or lukewarm water Caution: After driving off-road, ensure that
containing a car shampoo. Rinse and dry off areas around air intakes and the front grille
with a chamois leather. are clean and clear of debris. Failure to do so
• Do not use hot water! may cause the engine to overheat.
• Do not use detergent soap products or Ensure that the vehicle and underside is
washing-up liquid! cleaned soon after off-road driving, taking
• In hot weather, do not wash the vehicle in particular care to clean areas where mud and
direct sunlight. debris has compacted.
Removing tar spots Use a low pressure hose to flush water through
Use methylated spirits to remove tar spots and the lower grille area, to clean the cooling
stubborn grease stains from paintwork. Then system components.
wash immediately with soapy water to remove
all traces of spirit.

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year of production from: 2002

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manual Land Rover Range Rover III 3 L322 owners manual
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