owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Making a call by entering a phone10 digits or any special characters, sayLIST OF VOICE COMMANDS
number “Special Number”. For additional informa-
tion, refer to “How to say numbers” in thisMain Menu
Main Menu section. “Call”
“Call” A 5. Whenyouhavefinishedspeakingthephone“Phonebook”
“Phone Number” B number, the system repeats it back and an-“Recent Calls”
nounces the available commands.
Speak the digits C “Connect Phone”
6. Say: “Dial” D . The system acknowledges
“Dial” D
the command and makes the call.Whenyoupressandreleasethe(Type A)
1. Pressthe (TypeA)orthe(Type For additional command options, refer to “List ofor the(Type B) button on the steering
B) button on the steering wheel. A tone willvoice commands”in this section.wheel, you can choose from the commands on
sound. Receiving a call the Main Menu. The following pages describe
these commands and the commands in each
2. Say: “Call” A . The system acknowledges
When you hear the ring tone, press thesub-menu.
thecommandandannouncesthenextsetof(Type A) or the(Type B) button on theRemember to wait for the tone before
available commands. steering wheel. speaking.
3. Say “Phone Number” B . The system ac-Oncethecallhasended,pressthebutton
After the main menu, you can say “Help” to hear
knowledges the command and announceson the steering wheel.the list of commands currently available any time
the next set of available commands. the system is waiting for a response.
4. SaythenumberyouwishtocallstartingwithNOTE:
the area code in single digit format C .IftheIf you do not wish to take the call when youIf you wanttoendanactionwithoutcompletingit,
you can say “Cancel” or “Quit” at any time the
system has trouble recognizing the correcthear the ring tone, press thebutton
phone number, try entering the number inonthesteering wheel.system is waiting for a response. The system will
the following groups: 3-digit area code,For additional command options, refer to “List ofend the Voice Recognition session. Whenever
3-digit prefix and the last 4-digits. For ex-voice commands”in this section.the Voice Recognition session is cancelled, a
ample, 555-121-3354 can be said as “five doublebeepisplayedtoindicateyouhaveexited
five five” as the 1st group, then “one two the system.
4-76 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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