owners manual Mercedes SLK
owners manual Mercedes SLK - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 - Mercedes Benz SLK R170 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SLK, year of production 1996 - 2004:
Practical hints
Towing the vehicle
Towing the vehicle
Mercedes-Benz recommends that the vehi-When circumstances do not permit the !
cle be transported with all wheels off the recommended towing methods, the vehi-If the vehicle is towed with the front
ground using flatbed or appropriate wheel cle may be towed with all wheels on the axle raised, the engine must be shut off
lift/dolly equipment.ground or front wheels raised only so far as (key in starter switch position 0 or 1).
necessary to have the vehicle moved to a Otherwise, the ESP will immediately be
! safe location where the recommended engaged and will apply the rear wheel
Vehicles with automatic transmission: towing methods can be employed.brakes.
Do not tow-start vehicle.
When towing the vehicle with all wheels
! on the ground, the selector lever must
Use flatbed or wheel lift/dolly equip-be in position N (manual transmission:
ment with key in starter switch turned gears disengaged) and the key must be
to position 0. in starter switch position 2.
Do not tow with sling-type equipment. When towing the vehicle with all wheels
Towing with sling-type equipment over on the ground or the front axle raised,
bumpy roads will damage radiator and the vehicle may be towed only for dis-
supports. tances up to 30 miles (50 km) and at a
speed not to exceed 30 mph (50
To prevent damage during transport, km/h).
do not tie down vehicle by its chassis or Towing of the vehicle should only be
suspension parts. done using the properly installed tow-
Switch off the tow-away alarm ing eye bolt. Never attach tow cable,
( page 72) and the automatic central tow rope or tow rod to vehicle chassis,
locking ( page 78). frame or suspension parts.

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year of production from: 1996

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Mercedes Benz SLK R170 owners manual
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