owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
06 Maintenance and specifications
Wheels and tires
11. Treadwear, Traction, and Temperature• Extra load: A class of P-metric or Metricsure that should ever be put in the tire. This
grades: See page 251 for more informa-tires designed to carry a heavier maximumlimit is set by the tire manufacturer.
tion. load at 41 psi [43 psi (2.9 bar) for Metric• Recommended tire inflation pressure:
12. Maximum permissible inflation pressure:tires]. Increasing the inflation pressureinflation pressure, established by Volvo,
the greatest amount of air pressure thatbeyond this pressure will not increase thewhich is based on the type of tires that are
should ever be put in the tire. This limit istire's load carrying capability.mounted on a vehicle at the factory. This
set by the tire manufacturer.• kPa: Kilopascal, a metric unit of air pres-inflation pressure is affected by the number
sure. of occupants in the vehicle, the amount of
Glossary of tire terminology• PSI: Pounds per square inch, a standardcargo, and the speed at which the vehicle
unit of air pressure. will be driven for a prolonged period. This
The tire suppliers may have additional mark-• B-pillar: The structural member at the sideinformation can be found on the tire infla-
ings, notes or warnings such as standard load,of the vehicle behind the front door.tion placard(s) located on the driver's side
radial tubeless, etc. B-pillar and in the tire inflation table in this
• Tire information placard: A placard• Bead area of the tire: Area of the tire nextchapter.
showing the OE (Original Equipment) tireto the rim.• Cold tires: The tires are considered to be
sizes, recommended inflation pressure,• Sidewall of the tire: Area between thecold when they have the same temperature
and the maximum weight the vehicle canbead area and the tread.as the surrounding (ambient) air. This tem-
carry. • Tread area of the tire: Area of the perim-perature is normally reached after the vehi-
• Tire Identification Number (TIN): A num-eter of the tire that contacts the road whencle has been parked for at least 3 hours.
ber on the sidewall of each tire providingmounted on the vehicle. 06
information about the tire brand and man-• Rim: The metal support (wheel) for a tire orVehicle loading
ufacturing plant, tire size and date of man-a tire and tube assembly upon which theProperly loading your vehicle will provide maxi-
ufacturer. tire beads are seated. mum return of vehicle design performance.
• Inflation pressure: A measure of the• Maximum load rating: a figure indicatingBefore loading your vehicle, familiarize yourself
amount of air in a tire. the maximum load in pounds and kilo-with the following terms for determining your
• Standard load : A class of P-metric or Met-grams that can be carried by the tire. Thisvehicle's weight ratings, with or without a
ric tires designed to carry a maximum loadrating is established by the tire manufac-trailer, from the vehicle's Federal/Canadian
at 35 psi [37 psi (2.5 bar) for Metric tires].turer.Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS/
Increasing the inflation pressure beyond• Maximum permissible inflationCMVSS) label, and the vehicle's tire informa-
this pressure will not increase the tires loadpressure: the greatest amount of air pres-tion placard:
carrying capability.

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year of production from: 2007

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