owners manual Jeep Compass
owners manual Jeep Compass - year of production: 2007 - Jeep Compass owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Compass, year of production 2007:
Playlist files are not supported. MP3 Pro files are notTo increase the speed of disc loading, it is recommended
supported. to use CD-R media and single-session discs. To create a
Playback of MP3 Files single-session disc, enable the “Disc at Once” option
When a medium containing MP3 data is loaded, the before writing to the disc.
radio checks all files on the medium. If the mediumOperation Instructions - Auxiliary Mode
contains a lot of folders or files, the radio will take moreThe auxiliary (AUX) jack is an audio input jack, which
time to start playing the MP3 files.allows the user to plug in a portable device, such as an 4
Loading times for playback of MP3 files may be affectedMP3 player, or cassette player, and utilize the vehicle’s
by the following: audio system to amplify the source and play through the
vehicle speakers.
• Media - CD-RW media may take longer to load thanPressing the DISC/AUX button will change the mode to
CD-R media auxiliary device if the AUX jack is connected.
• Mediumformats - Multisession discs may take longerNOTE: The AUX device must be turned on and the
to load than non-multisession discsdevice’s volume set to proper level. If the AUX audio is
• Number of files and folders - Loading times willnotloudenough,turnthedevice’svolumeup.IftheAUX
increase with more files and foldersaudio sounds distorted, turn the device’s volume down.

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year of production from: 2007

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Jeep Compass owners manual
pages 244 - 250
Jeep Compass owners manual
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