owners manual Citroen C4
owners manual Citroen C4 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C4, year of production 2004 - 2010:
During guidance, pressing the end of the lighting stalk repeats the last
guidance instruction.
A A pprree--sseett lliisstt ((bbyy eenntteerriinngg tthhee fifi rrsstt ffeeww lleetttteerrss)) ooff tthhee ttoowwnnss iinn tthhee
country selected can be accessed via the LIST buttttoonn oonn the virtual Then select "Start route guidance"
keypad. and the press the dial to confi rm.
To speed up the process, the post code can be entteerreedd directly after START ROUTE GUIDANCE
selecting the "Postal code" function.
Use the virtual keypad to enter the letters and digits.
10 Select the route type:
"Fast route", "Short route" or
8 Repeat steps 5 to 7 for the "Street" "Optimized route" and press the dial
and "House number"functions. to confi rm.
Select the "Save to address book" function to recoorrdd tthhe address It is also possible to select a destination via "Choossee ffrroom address
book" or "Choose from last destinations".
eenntteerreedd iinn aa ddiirreeccttoorryy fifi llee PPrreessss tthhee ddiiaall ttoo ccoonnfifi rrmm tthhee sseelleeccttiioonn
M MyyWWaayy aalllloowwss uupp ttoo 44000000 ccoonnttaacctt fifi lleess ttoo bbee rreeccoorrddeedd
To clear a destination; from steps 1 to 3, select "Choose from last
You can zoom in/zoom out on the map using the dial.
A long press on one of the destinations displays a list of actions from It is possible to scroll the map or select its orientatiioonn vviiaa the short-
which you can select:
ccuutt mmeennuu ooff tthhee FFUULLLL SSCCRREEEENN MMAAPP PPrreessss tthhee ddiiaall tthheenn sseelleecctt
Delete entry
"Map settings".
Delete list
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year of production from: 2004
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Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual
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