owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 246
Communication Office
Reminders Reading out loud
Text messages, e-mails, appointment entries,
Displaying reminders
tasks, and notes can be read out loud.
Reminders of pending appointments and tasks
1. Select the desired message, appointment,
are displayed. After an appointment or after a
task, or note.
task is due, the reminder is no longer disѪ
played. 2. Select the symbol.
The following options are available during
1. "Office"
2. "Reminders"
▷ "Pause"
3. Select the desired reminder.
Interrupt reading. Select again to restart
The corresponding appointment or the task
are displayed.
▷ "Back to beginning"
Start reading the message again from the
Using contact data beginning.
▷ Select the symbol.
At a glance
Go back one paragraph.
Contact data from appointments, tasks, text
▷ Select the symbol.
messages, emails, and notes can be stored or
Skip a paragraph.
▷ To end reading, turn the controller to the
Displaying contact or selecting phone left.
1. "Use contact data"
What to do if.
2. Display the contact or select the phone
Information on suitable mobile phones, refer to
▷ Select the contact to display contact page 226.
Appointments, tasks, notes, text messages, or
▷ Select the phone number to establish ae-mails from the mobile phone are not disѪ
connection directly. played.
▷ The mobile phone is not capable of the
Storing contact data
missing function or is not connected corѪ
1. "Use contact data" rectly.
2. Highlight the phone number or e-mail adѪ▷ The Office function is deactivated.
▷ The mobile phone is connected as an addiѪ
3. Open "Options". tional phone.
4. "Add to existing contact" or "Store as new▷ Appointments are older than 20 days or
contact" are more than 50 days in the future.
▷ The tasks have been marked as completed
or have a due date that lies more than
90 days in the future.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13
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year of production from: 2014
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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