owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Volvo XC60 I 1 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2013 - 2017:
06 Infotainment
strength), the receiver will determine 1.Be sure the infotainment system is
which signal to receive. switched on and in one of the AM or FM
There may be a noticeable difference in
sound quality when a change from ana-
2.Press OK/MENU in the center console
logue to digital or digital to analogue
• Main channel vs. sub-channels (FM
control panel.
occurs, such as:
only): The main channel is the only chan-
3.Turn TUNE and move the marker to HD
• Volume increase or decrease
nel that can receive in hybrid mode (both
digital and analogue). If a frequency has
• Equalizer settings, i.e., Bass/ Mid-
4.Press OK/MENU to turn HD off (the X will
sub-channels, they are broadcast in digi-
range/Treble cut or boost
disappear from the box on the display
tal mode only. The main FM channel will
• Time alignment (Digital program mate-
be displayed as, for example, 93.9 WNYC
rial in extreme cases can be as much
(Volvo uses the symbol ">" to indicate
This will disable the radio's capability to
as 8 seconds behind the analogue).
there are sub-channels available) The
receive digital broadcasts but it will continue
This will noticeable as a "stuttering"
sub-FM channels will be displayed as
to function as a conventional (analogue)
93.9 – 2 WNYC, 93.9 - 3 WNYC, etc.
AM/FM receiver. Please note that when HD is
The above items are dependant on the
• Reception coverage area: Due to cur- switched off, it will not be possible to tune to
broadcaster's equipment settings and
rent IBOC transmitter power limitations, sub-channels (see the following section for a
do not indicate a fault in the vehicle's
the reception coverage area in digital
radio receiver or antenna systems.more detailed explanation of sub-channels).
mode is somewhat more limited than the
Repeat steps 2-4 above to reactivate HD (an
station's analogue coverage area. Please
Switching HD on or off X will appear in the box on the display
be aware that as with any radio broadcast
The factory setting for HD radio is off. If acti-screen). Please note that this will only switch
technology, terrain, time of day, foliage
vated when driving through areas with weakHD on or off for the selected waveband (AM,
level and building location can have posi-
HD signals (fringe areas), you may experienceFM1, etc.).
tive or negative effects on radio recep-
tion. that the radio repeatedly switches between
analogue/digital and digital/analogue recep-
• Analogue to digital/digital to analogue
tion. If this happens, it may be desirable to
blending: Analogue to digital blending
switch HD off. To do so:
will occur as the signal strength reaches a
preset threshold in the receiver. This will
be noticeable in fringe areas (areas with
weak reception) and is normal.

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year of production from: 2013

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Volvo XC60 I 1 FL owners manual
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