owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Initialization Giving voice commands ● You can cancel a command when the sys-
When the ignition switch is placed in the ONTo operate NISSAN Voice Recognition, presstem is waiting for a response by saying,
position,NISSANVoiceRecognitionisinitialized, “Cancel” or “Quit.” The system announces
whichtakesafewseconds.Ifthe(Type A)and release the(Type A) or the“Cancel” and ends the Voice Recognition
(Type B) button located on the steering wheel.session. You can also press and hold
or the(Type B) button is pressed beforeAfter the tone sounds, speak a command.thebutton on the steering wheel for
the initialization completes, the system will an-The command given is picked up by the micro-5 seconds at any time to end the Voice
nounce “Hands-free phone system not ready”phone, and voice feedback is given when theRecognition session. Whenever the Voice
and will not react to voice commands.commandisaccepted.Recognition session is cancelled, a double
Operating tips ● If you need to hear the available commandsbeep is played to indicate you have exited
To get the best performance out of the NISSANfor the current menu again, say “Help” andthe system.
VoiceRecognitionsystem,observethefollowing:the system will repeat them.● If you want to adjust the volume of the voice
● Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet as● If a command is not recognized, the systemfeedback,pressthevolumecontrolswitches
possible. Close the windows to eliminateannounces, “Command not recognized.(+ or -) on the steering wheel while being
surrounding noises (traffic noises, vibrationPleasetryagain.”Makesurethecommandisprovided with feedback. You can also use
sounds, etc.) and keep vents pointed awaysaid exactly as prompted by the system andthe radio volume control knob.
fromthemicrophone,whichmaypreventtherepeat the command in a clear voice.Howtosaynumbers
system from recognizing voice commands
correctly. ● If you want to go back to the previous com-NISSAN Voice Recognition requires a certain
● Waituntilthetonesoundsbeforespeakingamand, you can say “Go back” or “Correc-waytospeaknumbersinvoicecommands.Refer
command.Otherwise,thecommandwillnottion” any time the system is waiting for ato the following rules and examples.
be received properly. response. ● Either “zero”or “oh”can be used for “0”.
● Startspeakingacommandwithin5seconds Example: 1-800-662-6200
after the tone sounds. – “One eight oh oh six six two six two oh
● Speak in a natural voice without pausing oh”, or
between words. – “Oneeightzerozerosixsixtwosixtwooh
4-72 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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