owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Note II 2 E12 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2012:
BLUETOOTH®HANDS-FREE ● Dial Number ● Redial
PHONESYSTEMVOICE Allows for up to 24 digits to be dialed. AfterRedials the last called number.
COMMANDS the number is entered, say “Dial” to initiate● ReadText
To access the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phonedialing. Say “Correction”tocorrectthenum-
ber entered. Say “Go Back”to return to theReads an incoming text message. For more
System voice commands: main menu. information about text messaging with the
1. Press thebutton. ● List Phonebook Bluetooth®Hands-FreePhoneSystem,see
“Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System
2. Say “Call” and then a name in the vehicleStarting with the first alphabetical entry inwith Navigation System”in this section.
phonebooktocallthatentry. Otherwise, saythe vehicle phonebook, the system prompts● SendText
“Phone” to access various phone com-for an additional command. Say “Dial”to call
mands. the number of the phonebook entry. SaySendsatextmessage.Formoreinformation
Ifthe Bluetooth® has been set to “Off”, the“Send Text” to send a text message to theabout text messaging with the Bluetooth®
system announces: “Bluetooth® is off. Wouldnumber of the phonebook entry. Say “NextHands-FreePhoneSystem,see
you like to turn Bluetooth® on?”Entry”toskiptothenextalphabeticalentryin“Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System
the vehicle phonebook, where the same op-with Navigation System”in this section.
If no phone is connected to the system and thetions will then be available.● Select Phone
vehicle is stationary, the system announces:● RecentCalls
“There is no phone connected. Would you like to Thesystemreplies“Pleaseusemanualcon-
connect a phone now?” Say “Yes” to connect aThe system prompts for an additional com-trols to continue”. Use manual controls to
phone.AllfurtherBluetooth®Hands-FreePhonemand.Say“MissedCalls”, “Incoming Calls”change the active phone from among the
System voice commands are only available if aor “Outgoing Calls” to display a list of suchlisted phones connected to the vehicle.
phone is connected. calls on the screen. For more information about the Bluetooth®
If a phone is connected and Bluetooth® is set toSpeakthenumberoftheentrydisplayed onHands-Free Phone System, see “Bluetooth®
“On”, the following voice commands are available:the screen to dial that number or say “NextHands-FreePhoneSystemwithNavigationSys-
● Call (a name) Page” to view entries on the next page (iftem”in this section.
aretrying to call. System will confirm correct
contact. Say “Dial” to initiate dialing.
4-98 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems
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year of production from: 2012
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Nissan Note II 2 E12 owners manual
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