owners manual Chevrolet Spark
owners manual Chevrolet Spark - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Chevrolet Spark M300 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Spark, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Chevrolet Spark Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-5853490) - Black plate (20,1)
2014 - crc - 9/3/13
10-20 Vehicle Care
. Afluid leak in the brake/clutch Checking Brake Fluid WhattoAdd
hydraulic system can also cause Useonly new DOT 4 brake fluid
a low fluid level. Have the brake/The brake/clutch fluid can be
clutch hydraulic system fixed, checked without taking off the cap from a sealed container. It is
since a leak means that sooner by looking at the brake/clutch fluid recommendedthatthe brake/clutch
or later the brakes will not reservoir. hydraulic system be flushed and
work well. The fluid level should be above refilled with new DOT 4 fluid at a
MIN. If it is not, have the brake/ regular maintenance service every
Donottop off the brake/clutch fluid. two years. SeeMaintenance
Adding fluid does not correct a leak.clutch hydraulic system checked to Schedule on page 11-2and
If fluid is added when the linings aresee if there is a leak. RecommendedFluidsand
worn, there will be too much fluid After work is done on the brake/ Lubricants on page 11-12.
whennewbrakelinings are clutch hydraulic system, make sure Always clean the brake/clutch fluid
installed. Add or remove fluid, as the level is above MIN but not over reservoir cap and the area around
necessary, only when work is done the MAX mark. the cap before removing it. This
on the brake/clutch hydraulic Whenthebrake/clutch fluid falls to a helps keep dirt from entering the
system. low level, the brake warning light reservoir.
{Warning comeson. SeeBrake System
Warning Light on page 5-15. {Warning
If too much brake fluid is added, it With the wrong kind of fluid in the
can spill on the engine and burn, brake/clutch hydraulic system, the
if the engine is hot enough. You brakes might not work well. This
or others could be burned, and could cause a crash. Always use
the vehicle could be damaged. the proper brake/clutch fluid.
Addbrakefluid only when work is
done on the brake/clutch
hydraulic system.

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year of production from: 2009

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Chevrolet Spark M300 owners manual
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