owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Displays and operation 241
Multifunction display Head-updisplay
General notes
The head-up display projects informationdisplays
from the navigation system and the driver
assistance system above the dashboard into
the driver's field of vision. and
is that the following functions are available ine
the vehicle and are switched on:
RCruise control omput
RTraffic Sign Assist
The head-up display allows the driver to see
all of the information without having to takeOn-board
:Driveprogram(Ypage163) his eyes off the road.
;Transmissionposition (Y page 164)Important safety notes
=Additional speedometer (Y page 255)
?Display Thehead-updisplayisonlyanaidandisnota
ATime substitute for attentive driving.
BOutsidetemperature The visibility of the head-up display is influ-
Displaypanel=showstheselectedmenuorenced by the following conditions:
submenuanddisplay messages. Rthedriver's seat position
XToopenthemenulist:presstheò Rthepositioning of the display image
button on the steering wheel. Rthegeneral ambient light
Display panel = appears in the menu list.Rsunglasses with polarization filters
play: Rblocking of sunlight by objects on the dis-
RZGearshiftrecommendation,whenshiftingplay cover
manually (Y page 167) In the event of extreme sunlight, sections of
RjActiveParkingAssist(Ypage201) thedisplaymayfade.Thiscanbereversedby
RCRUISECruisecontrol (Y page 181) switching the head-up display off and on
R_AdaptiveHighbeamAssist again.
( iVehicleswiththehead-updisplay are
RèECOstart/stopfunction equippedwithaspecialwindshield.Should
(Y page 158) repairs be necessary, have the windshield
RëHOLDfunction(Ypage194) replacedataqualifiedspecialistworkshop.
Stop&GoPilot (Y page 192)

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year of production from: 2015

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