owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
06 Maintenance and specifications
Wheels and tires
Introduction of road holding on slippery surfaces than tires Tire age
Your vehicle is equipped with tires according without the "all-season" rating. However, for Tires degrade over time, even when they are
to the vehicle's tire information placard on the optimum road holding on icy or snow-covered not being used. It is recommended that tires
B-pillar (the structural member at the side of roads, we recommend suitable winter tires on generally be replaced after 6 years of normal
the vehicle, at the rear of the driver's door all four wheels. service. Heat caused by hot climates, frequent
opening), or on the inside of the fuel filler door When replacing tires, be sure that the new tires high loading conditions or Ultra Violet (U.V)
on Canadian models. are the same size designation, type (radial) and exposure can accelerate the aging process.
preferably from the same manufacturer, on all You should replace the spare tire when you
CAUTION four wheels. Otherwise there is a risk of altering replace the other road tires due to the aging of
Some Volvo models are equipped with an the car's roadholding and handling characte- the spare.
Ultra High Performance tire and wheel com- ristics. A tire's age can be determined by the DOT
bination designed to provide maximum dry New Tires stamp on the sidewall (see the illustration).
pavement performance with consideration
for hydroplaning resistance. As such, they A tire with e.g., visible cracks or discoloration
may be more susceptible to road hazard should be replaced immediately.
damage and, depending on driving condi-
tions, may achieve a tread life of less than Improving tire economy
20,000 miles (30,000 km). Even if this vehi- • Maintain correct tire pressure. For the tire
cle is equipped with Volvo’s advanced AWD pressure tables, see pages 247 and 247.
or DSTC system, these tires are not Drive smoothly: avoid fast starts, hard
06 designed for winter driving, and should be •
replaced with winter tires when weather braking and tire screeching.
conditions dictate. • Tire wear increases with speed.
• Correct front wheel alignment is very
The tires have good road holding characteris- G021823 important.
tics and offer good handling on dry and wet • Unbalanced wheels impair tire economy
surfaces. It should be noted however that the Remember that tires are perishable goods. As and driving comfort.
tires have been developed to give these fea- of 2000, the manufacturing week and year
tures on snow/ice-free surfaces. (Department of Transportation (DOT) stamp) • Tires must maintain the same direction of
will be indicated with 4 digits (e.g. 1502 means rotation throughout their lifetime.
Certain models are equipped with "all-season" that the tire illustrated was manufactured dur- • When replacing tires, the tires with the
tires, which provide a somewhat higher degree ing week 15 of 2002). most tread should be mounted on the rear

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year of production from: 2007

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Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual
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