owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
238 Driving systems
Rtheradarsensorsinthefrontorrearbumpersyou or makes a lane-correcting brake appli-
foralane,e.g.inareaswithroadconstructionActive Lane Keeping Assist does not detect
Rthelanemarkingsarewornaway,darkorcov-traffic conditions or road users. In very rare
ered up, e.g. by dirt or snow cases,thesystemmaymakeaninappropriate
and the lane markings thus cannot be detec-ingoverasolidlanemarking.Thereisariskof
ted an accident.
andRthelanemarkingschangequickly, e.g. lanesAninappropriate brake application may be
ng branch off, cross one another or mergeinterrupted at any time if you steer slightly in
Rtheroadisnarrowandwinding theoppositedirection.Alwaysmakesurethat
riviRtherearestrong shadows cast on the roadthere is sufficient distance on the side for
D If no vehicle is detectedintheadjacentlaneandother traffic or obstacles.
recting brake application is made.
Warningvibration in the steering wheel
Awarning may be given if a front wheel passes
intermittent vibration in the steering wheel for
In order that you are warned only when neces-
ing, the system recognizes certain conditions
and warns you accordingly.
The warning vibration occurs earlier if:
RyouapproachtheouterlanemarkingonaIf a lane-correcting brake application occurs,
bend. display :appearsinthemultifunction display.
Rtheroadhasverywidelanes,e.g. a highway.Thebrakeapplicationalsoslightlyreducesvehi-
Rthesystemrecognizes solid lane markings.cle speed.
The warning vibration occurs later if:Alane-correctingbrakeapplicationcanbemade
after driving over a lane marking recognized as
Rtheroadhasnarrowlanes being solid or broken. Before this, a warning
Ryoucutthecorneronabend mustbegivenbymeansofintermittentvibration
Lane-correcting brake applicationin the steering wheel. In addition, a lane with
lane markings on both sides must be recog-
If you leaveyourlane,undercertaincircumstan-nized.
ces the vehicle will brake briefly on one side.In the case of a broken lane marking being
Thisismeanttoassistyouinbringingthevehicledetected, a lane-correcting brake application
back to the original lane. canonlybemadeifavehiclehasbeendetected
GWARNING in the adjacent lane. The following vehicles can
Alane-correcting brake application cannothaveaninfluenceonbrakeapplication: oncom-
ingtraffic, vehicles that are overtaking andvehi-
alwaysbringthevehiclebackintotheoriginalcles that are driving parallel to your vehicle.
lane. There is a risk of an accident.iAfurtherlane-correcting brake application
Always steer, brake or accelerate yourself,canonlyoccurafteryourvehiclehasreturned
especiallyifActiveLaneKeepingAssistwarnsto the original lane.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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