text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Ford B-Max, year of production 2012:
Additional Licence Limitations: ExceptDisclaimer of Warranty: NT AND ITS
where you have been specifically licencedLICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIR
to do so by NT in a separate writtenLICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS) DISCLAIM
agreement, and without limiting theANY WARRANTIES, EXPRE SS OR IMPLIED,
preceding paragraph, your licence isOF QUALITY, PERFORMANCE,
conditioned on use of the Data asMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A
prescribed in this agreement, and y ou mayPARTICULAR PURPOSE OR
not (a) use this Data with any products,NON-INFRINGEMENT. Some States,
systems, or applications installed orTerritories and Countries do not allow
otherwise connected to or incertain warranty exclusions, so to that
communication with vehicles capable ofextent the above exclusion may not apply
vehicle navigation, positioning, dispatch,to you.
real time route guidance, fleetDisclaimer of Liability: NT AND ITS
management or similar applic ations; or (b)LICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIR
with, or in communication with, includingLICENSORS AND S UPPLIER S) SHALL NOT
without limitation, cellular phones,BE LIABLE TO YOU IN RESPECT OF ANY
palmtop and handheld computers, pagers,CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION,
and personal digital assistants or PDAs.IRRESPECTIVE OF THE NATURE OF THE
This Data may contain inaccurate orACTION ALLE GING ANY L OSS, INJUR Y OR
incomplete information due to theDAMAGES, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, WHICH
passage of time, changingMAY RESULT FROM THE USE OR
circumstances, sources used and thePOSSESSION OF THIS DATA; OR F OR ANY
nature of collecting comprehensiveLOSS OF PR OFIT, REVENUE, CONTRACTS
geographic Data, any of which may leadOR SAVINGS, OR ANY OTHER DIRECT,
to incorrect results. INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR
No Warranty: This Data is pr ovided to youUSE THIS DATA, ANY DEFECT IN THIS
"as is" , and y ou agree to use it at your ownDATA, OR THE BREACH OF THE SE TERMS
risk. NT and its licensors (and theirOR CONDITIONS, WHETHER IN AN
licensors and suppliers) make noACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT OR
guarantees, representations or warrantiesBASED ON A WARRANTY, EVEN IF NT OR
of any kind, express or implied, arising byITS LICENSORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF
law or otherwis e, including but not limit edTHE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
to, content, quality, accuracy,Some States, Territories and Countries do
completeness, effectiveness, reliability,not allow certain liability exclusions or
fitness for a p articular purpo se, usefulness,damages limitations, so to that extent the
use or results to be obtained from thisabove may not apply to you.
Data, or that the Data or server will be
uninterrupted or error free.
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