owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● Adjustable head restraints/headrests have
WARNING multiple notches along the stalk(s) to lock
Head restraints/headrests supplement them in a desired adjustment position.
theothervehiclesafetysystems.Theymay ● The non-adjustablehead
provide additional protection against in- restraints/headrests have a single locking
jury in certain rear end collisions. Adjust- notch to secure them to the seat frame.
able head restraints/headrests must be
adjustedproperly,asspecifiedinthissec- ● Proper Adjustment:
tion. Checktheadjustmentaftersomeone – For the adjustable type, align the head
else uses the seat. Do not attach anything restraint/headrest so the center of your
to the head restraint/headrest stalks or ear is approximately level with the center
remove the head restraint/headrest. Do of the head restraint/headrest.
not use the seatif the head
restraint/headrest has been removed. If – If your ear position is still higher than the
theheadrestraint/headrestwasremoved, LRS2000 recommendedalignment,placethehead
reinstall and properly adjust the headThe illustration shows the seating positionsrestraint/headrest at the highest position.
restraint/headrest before an occupantequipped with head restraints/headrests.● If the head restraint/headrest has been re-
uses the seating position. Failure to fol- moved, ensure that it is reinstalled and
low these instructions can reduce the ef-Indicatestheseatingpositionisequippedwithlocked in place before riding in that desig-
fectiveness of the head a head restraint. nated seating position.
restraints/headrests. This may increase
the risk of serious injury or death in aIndicates the seating position is equipped with
collision. a headrest.
+Indicates the seating position is not equipped
with a head restraint or headrest (if applicable).
● Your vehicle is equipped with a head
restraint/headrest that may be integrated,
adjustable or non-adjustable.
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-7

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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