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owners manual Suzuki Grand Vitara

owners manual Suzuki Grand Vitara - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Suzuki Grand Vitara II 2 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (6.51 MB) 337 pages
all ratings: 1 average rating: 5
text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Suzuki Grand Vitara, year of production 2005 - 2014:
Door Locks: 3, 5, 8 BEFORE DRIVING • If a spare remote controller is in the vehi-NOTE: EXAMPLE cle, the request switches may not oper-The keyless start system may not function (1) ate normally. correctly in certain environments or under • The remote controller will only operate a certain operating conditions such as the request switch if it is within the switch’sfollowing: operating range. For example, if the• When there are strong signals coming from a television, power station or a cel- remote controller is within the operating range of the driver’s door request switchlular phone. (1) • When the remote controller is in contact but not the front passenger’s door with or covered by a metal object. request switch or the tailgate request switch, the driver’s door switch can be• When a radio wave type remote keyless (1) operated but the front passenger’s door entry is used nearby. switch or tailgate switch cannot be oper-• When the remote controller is placed ated. near an electronic device such as per- 78K001 sonal computer. (1) 80 cm (2 1/2 feet) CAUTION Some additional precautions you should take and information you should be aware The remote controller is a sensitive When the remote controller is within of are: electronic instrument. To avoid dam- • Make sure the ignition key is stowed in approximately 80 cm (2 1/2 feet) from a front door handle or the tailgate switch, youaging the remote controller: the remote controller. If the remote con- • Do not expose it to impacts, mois- troller becomes unreliable, you will not can lock or unlock the doors by pushing the request switch. ture or high temperature such as by be able to lock or unlock the doors or leaving it on the dashboard under start the engine. NOTE: direct sunlight. • Be sure that the driver always carries the • Keep the remote controller away • If the remote controller is outside the remote controller. from magnetic objects such as a request switch operating rangetelevision. • If you lose one of the remote controllers, described above, you will not be able to ask your SUZUKI dealer as soon as pos- operate the request switch. sible for a replacement. Be sure to have • If the battery of the remote controller your dealer program the new remote runs down or there are strong radio controller code in your vehicle’s memory waves or noise, the request switch oper- so that the old code is erased, or per- ating range may be reduced or the form the programming procedure your- remote controller may be inoperative. self according to the instructions in this • If the remote controller is too close to the section. door, the request switches may not oper- ate. 2-7 79K21-03E
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year of production from: 2005

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