owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
(if so equipped)
This vehicle is equipped with Smartphone Inte-CONNECTPHONE APPLICATIONDOWNLOAD
gration technology. This allows many compatibleTo use this feature, a compatible smartphoneOnce connected, the NissanConnect App will
Smartphone applications to be displayed andmustbeconnectedviaBluetooth®orUSBtothesearch your phone to determine which compat-
easily controlled through the vehicle’s touch-vehicle.For additional information, refer toible applications are currently installed. The user
screen. “Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System withoutwill then choose which apps they want to bring
NOTE: Navigation System” or “Bluetooth® Hands-Freeinto their vehicle from the list of apps within the
Acompatible smartphone and registrationPhone System with Navigation System” in this“Manage My Apps” section of the NissanCon-
is required to use mobile applications or tosection. nect App on their smartphone. The vehicle will
access connected features of certain ve- thendownloadthein-vehicleinterfaceforeachof
NOTE: these compatible applications. Once down-
hicle applications. For vehicles with navigation, Apple iP-loaded,theusercanaccesstheirselectedsmart-
REGISTERINGWITH hones®REQUIREthephonetobeplugged phoneapplications through the vehicle interface.
NISSANCONNECTSMMOBILEAPPS in via USB for NissanConnect Mobile AppsFor additional information on application avail-
to function. ability visit www.nissanusa.com/connect/ or ww-
To use the Smartphone Integration feature, it isFor vehicles without Navigation, Apple iP-w.canada.nissanconnect.com
necessary for the user to register. In order tohones®mustbepairedviaBluetooth®for
register, visit the NissanConnectSM Mobile AppNissanConnect Mobile Apps to function.
website, www.nissanusa.com/connect/orwww-
.canada.nissanconnect.com (For Canada) andNOTE:
signuporcreateanaccountthroughthepromptsFor Android phones, NissanConnect Mo-
on the NissanConnect Mobile App. Once regis-bile Apps REQUIRES the phone to be
tered, download the NissanConnect App frompaired via Bluetooth®.
your compatible phone’s application download
source and then log into the application. If you
already have an account created through the
App, please log in.
4-64 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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