owners manual Saab 9-3
owners manual Saab 9-3 - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Saab 9 3 I 1 YS3D owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-3, year of production 1998 - 2002:
Maintenance and owner assistance237
Service record retention Service costs Owner assistance
Service instruction coupons and record Dealer pricing practices and labor for ser-Warranties and service problem
stubs are provided in the Saab Warranties vice work vary. Saab’s recommended ser-assistance
and Service Record Booklet which accom-vice times for each service point do not For complete information about all applica-
panies this Owner’s Manual. The coupons include the labor required to replace wear ble warranties, including the New Car War-
are arranged in the order that normal ser-items, such as wiper blades, brake pads or ranty, Perforation Warranty, Vehicle Emis-
vice should be performed. The edge of each tires. Nor is labor to perform other service or sion Warranty and Emission Perforation
coupon is shaded to correspond to the type repairs found to be necessary as a result of Warranty, consult the Warranties and Ser-
of service point: the inspections included in these times. vice Record Booklet which accompanies
• Striped - "Check-up". Additional labor and parts will be charged this Owner’s Manual. It also contains owner
• Blue - Oil change/inspection service.for such work when necessary, except as assistance information including Saab
covered under an applicable Saab warranty Roadside Assistance. If the booklet is lost or
• Black - Major service. or any optional extended service contract. misplaced, a new one may be ordered
Note that in Canada a combined service Transmission fluid changes or suspension through a Saab dealer or by contacting
and warranty book is used, but not service alignment, when necessary, are also addi-Saab.
coupons. tional.
When scheduled services are performed, Dealer charges for general shop material, In the U.S. there is a national Customer
your dealer will tear out the applicable regulated hazardous waste removal, recy-Assistance Center at Saab Cars USA, Inc.
coupon and use it to check off the opera-cling expenses or other operation costs may The toll-free number to call from all 50 states
tions performed and enter it into the service also be applied to service and repair is 1-800-955-9007.
file at the dealership. The servicing dealer’s invoices and are apt to vary by dealer and In Canada, please call the Saab Customer
stamp, along with the date and mileage at location.Assistance Centre at 1-800-263-1999.
which the service was done, should be A list of authorized Saab sales and service
entered on the corresponding stub which dealers is available for those planning to
remains in your booklet. The booklet is your travel in the United States and Canada.
permanent record of the services per- Canadian or U.S. travelers may call the
formed. It also includes a log sheet for Customer Assistance Center in the country
unscheduled repairs. in which they are traveling.
It is advisable to retain receipts and, if pos-
sible, copies of shop work orders for all ser-
vice and repair work, wherever performed.

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year of production from: 1998

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Saab 9 3 I 1 YS3D owners manual
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