owners manual Land Rover Range Rover
owners manual Land Rover Range Rover - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Land Rover Range Rover III 3 L322 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Land Rover Range Rover, year of production 2002 - 2012:
Replacement tires High performance wheel and tire
WARNING combinations
Always use the same make and type of Caution: This vehicle may be fitted with a high
radial-ply tires front and rear. Do not use performance wheel and low aspect tire
cross-ply tires, or interchange tires from front combination designed to give enhanced dry
to rear. road performance with consideration for
Your vehicle is fitted with road wheels that aquaplaning resistance.
will not accept inner tubes. Do not fit a tubed Caution: Low profile, high speed rated tires
tire. have a softer tread compound. If driven
Do not replace wheels with any type other aggressively they may suffer increased tread
than genuine Land Rover parts. Wheels and wear and a shorter life than can be expected
tires are designed for both off-road and from other tire types.
on-road use and have a very important Caution: This wheel and tire combination is
influence on vehicle handling. Alternative susceptible to damage if driven off road. This
wheels which do not meet original equipment combination has less performance in snow or
specifications should not be fitted. ice conditions than M and S tires. High
When using tires other than those performance tires must be replaced with
recommended by Land Rover, do not exceed winter tires when weather conditions dictate.
the speed rating recommended by the Flat spots
manufacturer. If the vehicle is stationary for a long period
when the ambient temperature is high, the tires
Wheel rims and tires are matched to suit the may form flat spots. When the vehicle is driven
handling characteristics of the vehicle. For these flat spots will caus e a vibration which will
safety, always check that replacement tires steadily disappear as the tires regain their
comply with the original specification and that original shape.
the load and speed ratings shown on the side
wall are the same as that of the original
equipment. Contact your Land Rover Dealer for
further information or assistance.
Tires of the correct size and type, but of
different make have widely varying
characteristics. It is therefore recommended
that only Land Rover approved tires are fitted to
all wheels. LAN0600G
Ideally, tires should be replaced as sets of four, In order to minimise flat spotting, the tire
but if this is not possibl e, replace the tires as pressures can be increased.
axle sets. Tire pressures should be increased by 14 kPa
Always have the wheels re-balanced after (2 psi) for each 10°C (20°F) temperature
replacing tires. increase.

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year of production from: 2002

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manual Land Rover Range Rover III 3 L322 owners manual
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