owners manual BMW X1 E84
owners manual BMW X1 E84 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - BMW X1 E84 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X1 E84, year of production 2009 - 2016:
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Wheels and tires Mobility
Tire damage Changing wheels and tires
General information Mounting
Inspect your tires often for damage, foreign obѪ
Information on mounting tires
jects lodged in the tread, and tread wear.
Have mounting and balancing performed
only by a service center or tire specialist.
If this work is not carried out properly, there is
Driving over rough or damaged road surfaces, as
the danger of subsequent damage and related
well as debris, curbs and other obstacles can
safety hazards.◀
cause serious damage to wheels, tires and susѪ
pension parts. This is more likely to occur with
Wheel and tire combination
low-profile tires, which provide less cushioning
between the wheel and the road. Be careful toInformation on the right wheel and tire combiѪ
avoid road hazards and reduce your speed, esѪnation and rim version for your vehicle can be
pecially if your vehicle is equipped with low-proѪobtained from the service center.
file tires.
Incorrect wheel and tire combinations impair the
Indications of tire damage or other vehicle deѪfunction of a variety of systems such as ABS or
fects: DSC.
▷ Unusual vibrations during driving. To maintain good handling and vehicle reѪ
sponse, use only tires with a single tread conѪ
▷ Unusual handling such as a strong tendency
figuration from a single manufacturer.
to pull to the left or right.
Following tire damage, have the original wheel
Damage can be caused by driving over curbs,
and tire combination remounted on the vehicle
road damage and similar situations.
as soon as possible.
In case of tire damage
Approved wheels and tires
If there are indications of tire damage, reѪ
The manufacturer of your vehicle recomѪ
duce your speed immediately and have the
mends that you use only wheels and tires that
wheels and tires checked right away; otherwise,
have been approved for your particular vehicle
there is the increased risk of an accident.
Drive carefully to the next service center or tire
For example, despite having the same official
size ratings, variations can lead to body contact
If necessary, have the vehicle towed.
and with it, the risk of severe accidents.
Otherwise, tire damage can present a life-
The manufacturer of your vehicle cannot evaluѪ
threatening hazard to vehicle occupants and
ate non-approved wheels and tires to determine
other road users.◀
if they are suited for use, and therefore cannot
ensure the operating safety of the vehicle if they
Repair of tire damage
are mounted.◀
For safety reasons, the manufacturer of
your vehicle recommends that you do not have
Wheels with electronics for TPM Tire
damaged tires repaired; they should be reѪ
Pressure Monitor
placed. Otherwise, damage can occur as a reѪ
sult.◀ When mounting new tires or changing from
summer to winter tires or vice versa, only use
wheels with TPM electronics; otherwise, the
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 914 595 - VI/12
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year of production from: 2009
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