owners manual Mazda CX-5
owners manual Mazda CX-5 - year of production: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Mazda CX 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda CX-5, year of production 2012 - 2017:
CX-5_8CA5-EA-11L_Edition3 Page235
Friday, June 22 2012 3:46 PM
Black plate (235,1)
Interior Features
l Track, artist and album name CAUTION
information is recorded as data termed
“WMA-Tag”,andthisinformation is This unit plays files with the file
displayable. extension (m4a) as an AAC file. Do
l WMAfileswritten under specifications not use the AAC file extension for files
other than the indicated specification other than AAC files. Otherwise, it
maynotplaynormally or files or folder could result in noise or a
names may not display correctly. malfunction.
l The file extension may not be provided
depending on the computer operating l Song, artist, and album name
system, version, software, or settings. information in the AAC file is recorded
In this case, add the file extension “. as data termed “iTunes, m4a, Meta-
wma”totheendofthefile name, and Data applicable”, and this information
then write it to the disc. is displayable.
l AACfileswritten under specifications
qOperatingTipsforAAC other than the indicated specification
maynotplaynormally or files or folder
AACstandsforAdvancedAudioCoding, names may not display correctly.
which is standardized voice compression l The file extension may not be provided
established by the ISO*1 working group depending on the computer operating
(MPEG).Audiodatacanbecreated and system, version, software, or settings.
stored at a higher compression ratio than In this case, add the file extension “.
MP3. m4a”totheendofthefile name, then
*1 International Organization for write it to the disc.
Playable AAC file specifications
This unit supports playback of AAC files
recorded in CD-R and CD-RW.
Playable AAC files are as follows:
Item Content
Specification MPEG-4AAC
8/11.025/12 kHz
Sampling rate 16/22.05/24 kHz
32/44.1/48 kHz
Bit rate 24―320kbps
Form No.8CA5-EA-11L

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year of production from: 2012

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Mazda CX 5 owners manual
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