owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
You may hear a sound when the steering wheelThe brake system has two separate hydraulic cir-gradient. Overheated brakes may reduce braking
is operated quickly. However, this is not a mal-cuits. If one circuit malfunctions, two wheels will stillperformance and could result in loss of vehicle con-
function. have braking ability. trol.
If the electric power steering warning lightillu-BRAKEPRECAUTIONSCAUTION
minates while the engine is running, it may indicateVacuumassisted brakeWhile driving on a slippery surface, be careful
theelectric powersteeringsystemisnotfunctioning when braking, accelerating or downshifting.
properly and may need servicing. Have the electricThe brake booster aids braking by using engineAbrupt braking actions or sudden acceleration
powersteeringsystemcheckedbyaNISSANdealervacuum or vacuum from an engine-driven pump. Ifcould cause the wheels to skid and result in an
or qualified workshop. (See “ Power steering warn-the engine stops or the drive belt is broken, you canaccident.
ing light” in the “2. Instruments and controls” sec-stop the vehicle by depressing the brake pedal.
tion.) However, greater foot pressure on the brake pedalBeawarethat brakes will fade if repeated heavy
Whentheelectric power steering warning light illu-will be required to stop the vehicle and the stoppingbrake applications are made.
minates with the engine running, the power assis-distance will be longer.Driving uphill
tance for the steering will cease operation. You willWetbrakesWhen starting on a steep gradient, it is sometimes
still have control of the vehicle. However, greaterWhen the vehicle is washed or driven through wa-difficult to operate the brake or both the brake and
steering effort is needed, especially in sharp turnster, the brakes may get wet. As a result, your brak-clutch (MT models). Use the parking brake to hold
and at low speeds. ing distance will be longer and the vehicle may pullthe vehicle. Do not slip the clutch (MT models).
to one side during braking. Whenreadytostart,makesurethattheshiftleveris
To dry brakes, drive the vehicle at a safe speedin an appropriate forward or reverse driving posi-
while lightly pressing the brake pedal to heat up thetion, slowly release the parkingbrakewhiledepress-
brakes. Do this until the brakes return to normal.ing the accelerator pedal and releasing the clutch
Avoid driving the vehicle at high speeds until the(MT models) or depressing the accelerator pedal
brakes function correctly. (XTRONICtransmissionmodels).Ifyourvehiclehas
an electric parking brake, this will automatically re-
Using the brakes lease when you depress the accelerator pedal and
Avoid resting your foot on the brake pedal whilerelease the clutch (MT models) or depress the ac-
driving. This will overheat the brakes, wear out thecelerator pedal (XTRONIC transmission models).
brake linings and pads faster and reduce fuel
economy performance.
from overheating, reduce speed and shift to a lower
gear before going down a slope or long downhill
5-58 Starting and driving
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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