owners manual Alfa Romeo 147 GTA
owners manual Alfa Romeo 147 GTA - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Alfa Romeo 147 GTA owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 147 GTA, year of production 2000 - 2010:
If the car is habitually
used in dusty areas, the
cleaner should be replaced
The air cleaner is connected to the tem- This has a mechanical/electrostatic air fil-
at shorter intervals than those
perature and air flow sensors which send tering action, provided that the windows and
specified in the Programmed Main-
to the control unit the electric signals need-tenance Schedule.doors are shut.
ed for correct operation of the injection and Have the dust/pollen filter checked once
ignition system. a year by Alfa Romeo Authorised Services,
It must therefore always be in perfect con- preferably at the onset of summer.
ditions, to ensure correct operation of the If the car is mainly used in dusty or heav-
VEHICLE MAINTENANCEengine, low consumption and exhaust emis-ily polluted areas, the filter should be
sion levels. changed at more frequent intervals than
Any attempt to clean thespecified in the Scheduled Maintenance Pro-
cleaner may damage it,
If the operations concern-leading to serious engine
damage. IMPORTANT The failure to replace the
ing cleaner replacement pollen filter can considerably reduce the ef-
are not carried out correct- fectiveness of the climate control system.
ly and with the due precautions,
they may compromise the travel-
ling safety of the vehicle. You are
recommended to have this opera-
tion carried out by Alfa Romeo Au-
thorised Services.
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year of production from: 2000
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Alfa Romeo 147 GTA owners manual
pages 230 - 236
Alfa Romeo 147 GTA owners manual
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