owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
COMAND system settings
® ® ®
Bluetooth settings Connecting Bluetooth devices Calling up the Bluetooth device list
® and searching for devices
iTo connect a Bluetooth device, the
® Bluetooth® function must be activated in Calling up the list: Select “Vehicle”
General information about Bluetooth
® COMAND and in the device concerned. The “System Settings” “Services”
Bluetooth technology is the standard for Bluetooth® device must also be set to “visible” “Search for Bluetooth devices”.
short-range wireless technologies, suitable or “findable” in order for COMAND to find and
for transmitting voice and data. It is possi-display it. For the setting procedures, please see When you call up the list for the first
® the operating instructions for the Bluetooth® time after switching on COMAND, the
ble to connect Bluetooth devices wire-
lessly. Bluetooth® can be used to device. search for devices in the reception
exchange vCards or make calls using a It is possible to establish a Bluetooth ® con-range starts automatically. You will see
headset. nection between COMAND and the follow- a display to this effect.
® ing types of device: The device list appears after a short
Bluetooth technology uses the freely
available ISM (Industrial Scientific Medi- Mobile phone (only for transferring while.
cal) wireless network that works at business cards) Canceling search:
2.45 GHz. Ranges of up to ten meters are Headset Select “Cancel”.
possible with Bluetooth .
Laptop/PDA The second time you call up the list, and
® each time thereafter, the device list ap-
Activate or deactivate Bluetooth You can connect up to twelve devices to
Select “Vehicle” “System Settings” COMAND but only one device can be ac-pears immediately if COMAND has not
“Services” “Deactivate Blue- tive at a time. been switched off and on again in the
tooth”. meantime.
The connection process includes search- Starting search manually:
You have activated or deactivated ing for the device and its subsequent au-select “Update”.
Bluetooth . A checkmark appears thorization.
when Bluetooth is deactivated.

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year of production from: 2006

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