text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
Driver assistance systems
may compromise safety. The system is not aCAUTION ● If one of the ultrasonic sensors is damaged,a
replacement for driver awareness. the area corresponding to that group of sen-
● In certain circumstances, the ultrasonic d
sors (front or rear) is deactivated and cannot
● al
Any accidental movement of the vehicle
sensors do not detect objects such as trailer
be activated until the fault is corrected. How-
could result in serious injury.
tongues, bars, fences, posts or thin trees, or
ever, you can still use the sensors of the oth-
● an open (or opening) rear lid, which could
Adapt your speed and driving style at all ec
er bumper as per usual. If there is a fault inT
damage the vehicle.
times to suit visibility, weather, road and traf-
the system, consult a specialist workshop.
fic conditions. ●
Retrofitting of certain accessories to the ve-
SEAT recommends visiting a SEAT dealership
● hicle, such as a bicycle rack, may interfere
Certain surfaces of objects and garments for this.
with the operation of the Park Assist system
do not reflect the ultrasound sensors' sig- ic
and cause damage.
nals. The system cannot detect, at least cor-
Note Adv
rectly, these objects or people wearing such●
The Park Assist system uses as a reference
clothes. ● In or antee good system opera-
parked vehicles, curbs and other objects.der to guar
Make sure that the tyres and wheels are nottion, keep the ultrasound sensors of the
● Ultrasound sensor signals may be affected
damaged while parking. If necessary, oppor-bumper clean, free of snow or ice, and do not
by external sound sources. In certain circum-
tunely interrupt the parking manoeuvre tocover them with adhesives or other objects.
stances this may prevent them from detect-
avoid damaging the vehicle.
ing people or objects. ● Certain sources of noise, such as rough as-ation
● The ultrasound sensors on the bumper mayphalt or paving stones and the noise of other
● The ultrasound sensors have blind spots in
be damaged or shifted in the event of a colli-vehicles can induce the Park Assist system or
which obstacles and people are not regis-
sion, for example, when entering or exiting aParkPilot to give erroneous warnings.
parking space.
● In order to become familiar with the system
● Monitor the area around the vehicle at all
● If you use high-pressure or vapour equip-and its functions, SEAT recommends that you
times, since the ultrasound sensors do not ie
ment to clean the ultrasound sensors, do notpractice operating the Park Assist system in
detect small children, animals or certain ob-
apply it directly unless very briefly and al-an area where there is not too much traffic org
jects in all situations.
ways from a distance of more than 10 cm.in a car park.
● A registration plate or plate holder on the
front with larger than the space for the regis-
Quick turns of the steering wheel when park-
tration plate, or a registration plate that is
ing or exiting a parking space with Park As-
curved or warped can cause:
sist can cause serious injury.
– false detections,
● Do not hold the steering wheel during ma-
– loss of sensor visibility.
noeuvres to park or exit a parking space until
– cancellation of the parking manoeuvre or
the system requests it. Doing so disables the
defective parking.
system during the manoeuvre, resulting in
the parking being cancelled.
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