owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
3. Remove the oil filler cap B by turning it6. Clean and reinstall the drain plug A and a
counterclockwise. newwasher.Securelytightenthedrainplug
A with a wrench. Do not use excessive
4. Place a large drain pan under the drain plug
A . force.
5. Removethedrainplug A with a wrench byDrain plug tightening torque:
34 N·m (25 ft-lb)
turning it counterclockwise and completely
drain the oil. 7. Refill engine with recommended oil through
If the oil filter is to be changed, remove andthe oil filler opening, then install the oil filler
replaceitatthistime.Foradditionalinforma-cap B securely.
tion, refer to “Changing engine oil filter” inFor additional information, refer to “Recom-
this section. mended fluids/lubricants and capacities” in
WARNING the “Technical and consumer information”
section of this manual for drain and refill
● Prolonged and repeated contact withcapacity.
used engine oil may cause skin cancer.Thedrain and refill capacity depends on the
● Try to avoid direct skin contact withoil temperature and drain time. Use these
used oil. If skin contact is made, washspecificationsforreferenceonly.Alwaysuse
thoroughlywithsoaporhandcleanerasthe dipstick to determine when the proper
soonaspossible. amount of oil is in the engine.
● Keep used engine oil out of reach of8. Start the engine. Check for leakage around
children. the drain plug A and oil filter. Correct as
CHANGINGENGINEOIL CAUTION 9. Turn the engine off and wait more than
1. Parkthevehicleonalevelsurfaceandapply● Becareful not to burn yourself. The en-10 minutes. Check the oil level with the
the parking brake. gine oil may be hot. dipstick. Add engine oil if necessary.
2. Starttheengineandletitidleuntilitreaches● Wasteoilmustbedisposedofproperly.
operating temperature, then turn it off.● Check your local regulations.
8-10 Maintenanceanddo-it-yourself

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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