owners manual Land Rover Range Rover
owners manual Land Rover Range Rover - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Land Rover Range Rover III 3 L322 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Land Rover Range Rover, year of production 2002 - 2012:
CHARGING THE VEHICLE BATTERYRemove the starter key and wait two minutes
for the engine management system to power
Batteries generate explosive gases, contain Open the hood. See HOOD OPENING, 216.
corrosive acid and produce levels of electric Disconnect only th e negative (-) terminal of the
current sufficient to cause serious injury.battery.
While charging, shield your eyes or avoid
leaning over the battery and keep the area Reconnecting the battery
around the top of the battery well ventilated.Ensure that everything requiring power from
the battery - lights, audio, etc - is switched off.
While charging, always heed the precautions:Reconnect the battery lead.
• Before charging, disconnect and remove Note: If the battery was disconnected while it
the battery from the vehicle - charging the had an insufficient charge to disarm the alarm,
battery with the cables connected may the alarm could sound on reconnecting.
damage the vehicle’s electrical system.Operating the remote control or inserting the
• Make sure the battery charger leads are key into the starter switch will disarm the alarm.
securely clamped to the battery terminals Insert the starter key and turn to position II.
before switching on the battery charger. Do Operate the Electric Parking Brake (EPB) to
not move the leads once the charger is extinguish the amber warning lamp.
switched on.
• When charging is finished, switch off the Effects of battery disconnection
battery charger before disconnecting the After reconnecting the battery, a number of the
leads from the battery terminals.vehicle systems will be reset automatically.
Note: Be aware that a battery will take longer to This may take a few minutes. Some systems
charge in a cold environment.have to detect certai n conditions while the
After charging, leave the battery for one hour vehicle is being driven before full operability
before reconnecting to the vehicle - this will returns. This in no way affects the safe
allow time for explosive gases to disperse, operation of the vehicle.
thereby minimising the risk of fire or explosion.Battery warning indicator
Disconnecting the battery The red warning indicator in the
If the vehicle is already locked and alarmed, you instrument pack illuminates as a
will first have to unlock and disarm it using the bulb check when the starter
remote control. switch is turned to position II and extinguishes
See LOCKING/UNLOCKING, 49.once the engine is running. If it remains on, or
Note: If the battery is flat and the vehicle is illuminates whilst driving, a fault with the
locked and alarmed, you will first have to unlock battery charging system is indicated. Seek
the left-hand front door using the starter key.qualified assistance urgently.
Insert the starter key and turn it to position II.
Engage the Electric Parking Brake (EPB) or fit
wheel chocks. See CHANGING A WHEEL, 258.

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year of production from: 2002

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