owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 230
Communication Telephone
nected mobile phone from the vehicle and▷ Adjust the volume of the microphone and
pair and connect only one mobile phone. loudspeakers separately.
The mobile phone no longer reacts. If all points in this list have been checked and
the required function is still not available, conѪ
▷ Switch the mobile phone off and on again.
tact Customer Relations or the service center.
▷ Is the ambient temperature too high or
low? Do not expose the mobile phone to
extreme environmental conditions.
The telephone functions are not available.
▷ Is the mobile phone paired as an additionalAdjusting the volume
telephone and is the additional telephone
function deactivated? Activate the funcѪ
▷ Is an outgoing call not possible? Connect
the mobile phone as a telephone.
No phone book entries or only some phone
book entries are displayed, or they are incomѪ
▷ Transmission of the phone book entries is
not yet complete. Turn the knob until the desired volume is seѪ
lected. The setting is stored for the remote
▷ It is possible that only the phone book enѪ
control currently in use.
tries of the mobile phone or the SIM card
are transmitted.
The vehicle automatically adjusts the volume
▷ It may not be possible to display phone
of the microphone on the telephone and the
book entries with special characters.
volume of the called party. Depending on the
▷ The number of phone book entries to be mobile phone, the volumes may need to be adѪ
stored is too high. justed. The settings can only be created during
a call and must be adjusted separately for each
▷ Is the data volume of the contact too large,
telephone. The settings are deleted when the
e. g., due to stored information such as
telephone is unpaired.
notes? Reduce the data volume of the conѪ
1. "Settings"
▷ Is the mobile phone connected as an audio
2. "Tone"
source or additional telephone? The moѪ
3. "Volume settings"
bile phone must be connected as a teleѪ
4. Select the desired setting: "Microphone"
or "Loudspeak."
The phone connection quality is poor.
5. To adjust: turn the controller.
▷ The strength of the Bluetooth signal on the
6. To store: press the controller.
mobile phone can be adjusted, depending
on the mobile phone.
▷ Insert the mobile phone into the snap-in
adapter or place it in the area of the center
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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