owners manual Saab 9-5
owners manual Saab 9-5 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Saab 9 5 FL I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-5, year of production 2005 - 2009:
95_US_MY09.book Page 23 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:03 AM
Safety 23
General information on child LATCH
safety LATCH (Lower Anchorages & Top tethers WARNING
The same attention must be given to child for CHildren) is a US/Canadian safety stan-
safety in the car as is given to adults.dard for a uniform meth od of fitting child If a LATCH-type child restraint is not
restraints without using the standard safety attached to its anchor points, the restraint
Children travel most safely when properly belts. Only certain child restraints are will not be able to protect the child cor-
restrained. However, the type of restraint equipped to utilize the LATCH system.rectly. In a crash, the child could be seri-
must be appropriate for the size of the child. The LATCH system is installed in the car to ously injured or killed. Make sure that a
We recommend that you always consult facilitate proper fitting of child restraints LATCH-type child restraint is properly
your Saab dealer before fitting a child seat, designed for and equipped with LATCH installed using the anchor points, or use
child restraint or booster cushion.attachments. the vehicle's safety belts to secure the
The backseat is the safest place for chil- restraint, following the instructions that
dren. The LATCH system consis ts of top tether came with that restra int, and also the
and lower anchorages . In this vehicle, instructions in this manual.
Make sure you are acquainted with the LATCH is installed at the two outboard seat-
legal requirements for seating children ing positions in the rear seat, and there is a
in the car. top tether on the rear center position (not
When fitting child restraints in cars you Convertible). WARNING
must always read the instructions sup-The top tethers are located and on the cargo Child top tether anchorages are designed
plied by the child restraint manufacturer.floor by the rear seat backrest's lower part to withstand only those loads imposed by
Make sure that it is possible to fit a child (SportCombi), see page 25 and on top of the correctly fitted child restraints.
restraint in accordan ce with the manufac-parcel shelf (9-5 Sedan), see page 26.
turer’s child restra int instructions.The lower anchorages are located where Under no circumstances are they to be
Saab recommends the use of a rear-fac-the seat cushion and seat back come used for adult safety belts.
ing child seat for as long as this is possi-together. There is a label above the anchor-
ble - for all children under 18 kg (40 lbs.) ages, see picture on next page. Label con-
as a minimum. Use a child seat approved sists of a symbol of a child restrained in a
for the weight of the child. seat inside a circle.
Saab recommends the use of a booster seat When fitting child restraints in cars you must
for children up to the length of 140 cm always read the instructions supplied by the
(55 in.) or the weight of 36 kg (80 lbs.).child restraint manufacturer.
If you have any questions regarding LATCH
please contact your Saab dealer.

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year of production from: 2005

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