owners manual Citroen C3
owners manual Citroen C3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C3, year of production 2002 - 2009:
E D C B To adjust the date and the time:To choose units:
Press button A. Press button A.
Use B to select the icon Use B to select the icon
"Personalisation-Confi guration" "Personalisation-Confi guration"
then confi rm your choice by then confi rm your choice by
pressing C. pressing C.
Select the display confi guration Select the display confi guration
II with a press on B. Confi rm with a press on B. Confi rm
A E your choice with a press on C.your choice with a press on C.
To adjust the display brightness: Select the adustment for Then select the sub-menu for
Press button A. the date and the time, by Units. Confi rm your choice with
Use B to select the icon pressing B, then confi rm with a a press on C.
press on C. Using B, select the unit to
"Personalisation-Confi guration" Press B to select the values be modifi ed (Temperature or
then confi rm your choice by you wish to modify. Confi rm Consumption) then validate
pressing C. your choice with a press on C.with a press on C.
Select the display confi guration Do your adjustments with B, Validate "OK" on the screen.
with a press on B. Confi rm then validate each adjustment Note: This choice concerns all the
your choice with a press on C.choice with a press on C.types of information (fuel consump-
Select the brightness Validate "OK" on the screen.tion, speed, etc.) that appear on
adjustment. Confi rm your To choose the language:the displays.
choice with a press on C. Press button A.
Select with a press on B, then Use B to select the icon
validate by pressing C, the
normal or alternative display "Personalisation-Confi guration"
mode. To adjust the brightness, then confi rm your choice by
select the symbols "+" or "–"pressing C.
and confi rm your adjustment Use B to select the desired
by pressing C. language and validate your
Validate "OK" on the screen.choice by pressing C.
Validate "OK" on the screen.
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year of production from: 2002
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manual Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual
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