owners manual Jeep Grand Cherokee
owners manual Jeep Grand Cherokee - year of production: 2010 - Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Grand Cherokee, year of production 2010:
• This device must accept any interference that may beNOTE: The Panic and Security alarms are quite differ-
received, including interference that may cause unde-ent. Please take a moment to activate the Panic and the
sired operation. Security modestohearthedifferencesinthehorn.Incase
VEHICLE SECURITYALARM — IF EQUIPPED one should go off in the future, you will need to know 2
which mode has been activated in order to deactivate it.
This Vehicle Security Alarm monitors the vehicle doors,Rearming The System
liftgate, liftgate flipper glass, and ignition for unauthor-If something triggers the alarm, and no action is taken to
ized operation. When the alarm is activated, the interiordisarm it, the Vehicle Security Alarm will turn off the
switches for door locks, power liftgate and flipper glasshorn after three minutes, turn off all of the visual signals
are disabled. The Vehicle Security Alarm provides bothafter 15 minutes, and then the Vehicle SecurityAlarm will
audio and visual signals, the horn will sound, the head-rearm itself.
lights will turn on, park lamps and/or turn signals will
flash repeatedly for three minutes. If the disturbance isTo Arm The System
still present (driver’s door, passenger door, other doors,Follow these steps to arm the Vehicle Security Alarm:
ignition) after three minutes, the headlights, park lamps
and/or turn signals will flash for an additional 15 min-1. Remove the key from the ignition system (refer to
utes. Starting Procedures in Starting And Operating for
further information).
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year of production from: 2010
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Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2 owners manual
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Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2 owners manual
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