owners manual Alfa Romeo GT
owners manual Alfa Romeo GT - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Alfa Romeo GT owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo GT, year of production 2004 - 2010:
Make sure that the high- IMPORTANT Brake and hydraulic clutch – 50% of TUTELA PROFESSIONAL
fluid is hygroscopic (i.e. it absorbs moisture).SC 35 and 50% water in winter;
ly corrosive brake fluid
For this reason, if the car is mainly used in
does not drip onto the – in the case of temperatures below
paintwork. If it does, wash it offareas with a high degree of atmospheric hu- –20°C use TUTELA PROFESSIONAL
immediately with water. midity, the fluid should be replaced at more SC 35 fluid neat.
frequent intervals than specified in the
Scheduled Maintenance Programme.
Some commercial addi-
Brake and clutch fluid is
HEADLIGHT WASHER FLUID ers are inflammable. The
poisonous and highly cor-
rosive. In the event of ac- (fig. 13) engine compartment contains hot
cidental contact, wash the parts components which may set it on
Open the cap (A) and check the level in fire.
concerned immediately with neu-
the reservoir.
tral soap and water, then rinse
thoroughly. See a doctor at once if If necessary top up using a mixture of wa-
the fluid is swallowed. ter and TUTELA PROFESSIONAL SC
35fluid as follows: Do not travel with the
– 30% of TUTELA PROFESSIONAL windscreen washer reser-
SC 35 and 70% water in summer; voir empty: the action of
The symbol on the con- the windscreen washer is funda-
tainer indicates synthetic mental for improving vision.
brake fluid, distinguishing A0A0242b
it from the mineral kind. Using min-
eral fluids irreversibly damages the
special braking system rubber To avoid damaging the
seals. pump motor, do not use the
washers when the reservoir is
228 fig. 13
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year of production from: 2004
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Alfa Romeo GT owners manual
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