Chevrolet Traverse Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (49,1)
Infotainment System 7-49
with “
has been 3. Say“Delete.”The system asks Storing and Deleting Phone
successfully pairedafter”the which phone to delete. Numbers
pairing process is complete. 4. Say the name of the phone you The system can store up to
6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 to pair want to delete. 30 phone numbers as name tags
additional phones. Connecting to a Different Phone in the Hands‐Free Directory that is
Listing All Paired and Connected shared between the Bluetooth and
Phones To connect to a different cell phone,OnStar systems, if equipped.
the Bluetooth system looks for the The following commands are used
The system can list all cell phones next available cell phone in the to delete and store phone numbers.
paired to it. If a paired cell phone isorder in which all the available cell
also connected to the vehicle, the phones were paired. Depending Store: This command will store a
system responds with“is connected” on which cell phone you want to phone number, or a group of
after that phone name. connect to, you may have to use numbers as a name tag.
1. Press and holdb / g for this command several times. Digit Store: This command allows
two seconds. 1. Press and holdb / g for a phone number to be stored as a
2. Say“Bluetooth.” two seconds. nametagbyentering the digits one
2. Say“Bluetooth.” at a time.
3. Say“List.” Delete: This command is used to
Deleting a Paired Phone 3. Say“Change phone.” delete individual name tags.
If the phone name you want to . If another cell phone is Delete All Name Tags: This
delete is unknown, see“Listing All found, the response will be commanddeletesall stored
Paired and Connected Phones.” “ is now nametagsin the Hands‐Free
connected.” Calling Directory and the OnStar
1. Press and holdb / g for . If another cell phone is not Turn‐by‐Turn Destinations Directory,
two seconds. found, the original phone if equipped.
2. Say“Bluetooth.” remains connected.