owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
While connected to the vehicle, the iPod® may● iPod® nano - 5th generation (8GB) (firm-Audio main operation
only be able to be operated by the vehicle audioware version 1.0.2PC or later)Place the ignition switch to the ACC or ON
controls. ● iPod® nano - 5th generation (16GB) (firm-position. Then, press the USB or MEDIA button
To disconnect the iPod® from the vehicle, re-ware version 1.0.1PC or later)repeatedly to switch to the iPod® mode.
move the USB end of the cable from the USB● iPod® nano - 6th generation (8GB) (firm-If the audiosystemisturnedoffwhiletheiPod®is
connection port on the vehicle, then remove theware version 1.2PC or later)playing, the iPod® plays when the audio system
cable from the iPod®. is turned back on.
* iPod®isatrademarkofAppleInc.,registeredin● iPod® nano - 6th generation (8GB) (firm-
ware version 1.1PC or later)If the audio system is off, pressing the USB or
the U.S. and other countries.● iPod®Touch-1stgeneration(firmwarever-MEDIA button turns the audio system on and
Compatibility sion 2.2.1 or later)plays the iPod®.
The following models are compatible:● iPod® Touch - 2nd generation (firmwareIf the audio system is on, the audio system auto-
● iPod®5thGeneration(firmwareversion1.3version 2.2.1 or later)matically begins playing tracks from the iPod®
or later) ● iPod®Touch-3rdgeneration(firmwarever-whenit is plugged into the connection port.
● iPod® Classic (80GB) (firmware versionsion 3.1.3 or later)USBorMEDIAbutton
1.1.2PC or later) ● iPod®Touch-4thgeneration(firmwarever-PresstheUSBorMEDIAbuttonwhiletheiPod®
● iPod® Classic (120GB) (firmware versionsion 4.3.5 or later)is connected to show the iPod® operation menu
2.0.1PC or later) ● iPhone®3G(firmwareversion 4.1 or later)ontheaudiodisplay. Scroll through the menu list
● iPod® nano - 1st generation (firmware ver-● iPhone®3GS(firmwareversion4.3orlater)usingtheTUNE/SCROLLorTUNE/MENUknob.
sion 1.3.1 or later) Press the ENTER/SETTINGorENTERbuttonto
● iPhone®4(firmware version 5.0 or later)select a menu item. Items in the iPod® menu
● iPod®nano-2ndgeneration(firmwarever-● iPhone®4S(firmwareversion 5.1 or later)appear on the display in the following order:
sion 1.1.3 or later) ● Nowplaying
● iPod®nano-3rdgeneration (firmware ver-● iPad®(firmware version 4.3.2 or later)
sion 1.1.3PC or later)● iPad®2(firmware version 4.3.3 or later)● Playlists
● iPod®nano-4thgeneration (firmware ver-MakesurethatyouriPod®firmwareisupdatedto● Artists
sion 1.0PC or later)the version indicated above.● Albums
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-55

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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