owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
3. Thechannelindicatorwill then come on andSEEK/TRACK(ReverseorTUNE/SCROLLknob(MP3/WMACDonly)
the sound will resume. Programming is nowFast Forward) buttonIf a MP3/WMA CD with multiple folders is play-
complete. ing, turn the TUNE/SCROLL knob to change
4. Other buttons can be set in the same man-Pressandholdtheorfolders. Turn the knob to the left to skip back a
ner. SEEK/TRACK button for 1.5 seconds while thefolder. Turn the knob to the right to skip ahead a
If the battery cable is disconnected, or if the fusethetrackbeingplayed.Thecompactdiscplaysat
opens,theradiomemorywillbecanceled.Inthatan increased speed while reversing or fast for-RPT(repeat) button
case, reset the desired stations.warding. When the button is released, the com-WhentheRPT(repeat)buttonispressedwhilea
Compactdisc(CD)player operationpact disc returns to normal play speed.compact disc is playing, the play pattern can be
SEEK/TRACKbuttonchanged as follows:
If the radio is already operating, it automatically
turns off and the compact disc begins to play.PresstheSEEK/TRACKbuttonwhileaCDCD:
MEDIAbutton or MP3/WMA CD is playing to return to the1Track Repeat ←→ OFF
With a CD loaded, press the MEDIA button untiltheSEEK/TRACK button several times toCDwithMP3orWMA:
the CD mode is displayed on the screen.skip backward several tracks.1Folder Repeat → 1 Track Repeat → OFF
CD/MP3displaymode PresstheSEEK/TRACKbuttonwhileaCD1 Track Repeat: the current track will be re-
Whilelistening to an MP3/WMACD,certaintextor MP3/WMA CD is playing to advance onepeated.
may be displayed on the screen if the CD hastrack. Press theSEEK/TRACKbuttonsev-1 Folder Repeat: the current folder will be re-
been encoded with text information. Dependingeraltimestoskipforwardseveraltracks.Ifthelastpeated.
onhowtheMP3/WMACDisencoded,informa-track on a CD is skipped, the first track on the
tion such as Artist, Song and Folder will be dis-disc is played. If the last track in a folder of anOFF:Norepeatplaypattern is applied. The indi-
played. MP3/WMACDisskipped, the first track of thecator on the display will turn off.
next folder is played.
The track number and the total number of tracksThecurrentplaypatternoftheCDisdisplayedon
in the current folder or on the current disc arethe screen unless no pattern is applied.
displayed on the screen as well.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-53

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year of production from: 2013

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