owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
ing and driving” section for exhaust gas (carbonWhenperforminganyinspectionormaintenance
monoxide). workonyourvehicle,alwaystakecaretopreventsuch as rings, watches, etc. before
Underbody: serious accidental injury to yourself or damage toworking on your vehicle.
the vehicle. The following are general precau- Always wear eye protection when-
The underbody is frequently exposed to corro-tions which should be closely observed.ever you work on your vehicle.
sive substancessuchasthoseusedonicyroads
or to control dust. It is very important to removeWARNING If you must run the engine in an
thesesubstances,otherwiserustwillformonthe enclosed space such as a garage, be
floor pan, frame, fuel lines and around the ex- sure there is proper ventilation for
haust system. At the end of winter, the under- Park the vehicle on a level surface,exhaust gases to escape.
body should be thoroughly flushed with plainapply the parking brake securely and
water, being careful to clean those areas whereblock the wheels to prevent the ve- Nevergetunderthevehiclewhileitis
mud and dirt may accumulate. For additionalhicle from moving. For a manualsupported only by a jack. If it is nec-
information, see “Cleaning exterior” in the “7.transmission, move the shift lever toessary to work under the vehicle,
Appearance and care” section.Neutral. For an automatic transmis-support it with safety stands.
Fluid leaks: sion, move the selector lever to the P Keep smoking materials, flame and
Check under the vehicle for fuel, oil, water or(Park) position.sparks away from fuel and battery.
other fluid leaks after the vehicle has been BesuretheignitionkeyisintheOFF
parked for a while. Water dripping from the airor LOCK position when performing Your vehicle is equipped with an au-
conditioner after use is normal. If you shouldany replacement or repair.tomatic engine cooling fan. It may
notice any leaks or if gasoline fumes are evident, comeonatanytimewithoutwarning,
check for the cause and have it corrected imme- If you must work with the engineeven if the ignition key is in the OFF
diately. running, keep your hands, clothing,position and the engine is not run-
hairandtoolsawayfrommovingfansning. To avoid injury, always discon-
belts and any other moving parts.nect the negative battery cable be-
It is advisable to secure or removefore working near the fan.
any loose clothing and any jewelry, On gasoline engine models with the
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-5

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year of production from: 1996

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Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual
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