owners manual Opel Karl
owners manual Opel Karl - year of production: 2015 - Opel Karl manual del propietario PT
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Karl, year of production 2015:
OPEL Karl Owner Manual (GMK-Localizing-Portugal-9231166) - 2016 - crc -
Dados Técnicos 223
Capacidades e Especificações
Óleo de motor 1,0
incluindo Filtro [I] 4,5 L
entre MIN e MAX [l] 1
Depósito de combustível
gasolina, capacidade nominal [l] 32
Pressão dos pneus
Dianteira[kPa/bar] ([psi]) Traseira[kPa]
Carga Carga
Tipo Conforto ECO bruta Conforto ECO bruta
165/65R14 220/2,2 (32) 270/2,7 (39) 260/2,6 (38) 210/2,1 (30) 250/2,5 (36) 300/3,0 (43)
185/55R15 220/2,2 (32) 270/2,7 (39) 260/2,6 (38) 210/2,1 (30) 250/2,5 (36) 300/3,0 (43)
195/45R16 220/2,2 (32) 270/2,7 (39) 260/2,6 (38) 210/2,1 (30) 250/2,5 (36) 300/3,0 (43)
T105/70D14(roda 420/4,2 (60)
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year of production from: 2015
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Opel Karl manual del propietario
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Opel Karl manual del propietario
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