owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Note II 2 E12 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2012:
Initialization Giving voice commands ● You can cancel a command when the sys-
When the ignition switch is placed in the ONTo operate NISSAN Voice Recognition, presstem is waiting for a response by saying,
position,NISSANVoiceRecognitionisinitialized, “Cancel” or “Quit.” The system announces
andrelease the/button located on“Cancel”and ends the VR session. You can
which takes a few seconds. If the/the steering wheel. After the tone sounds, speakalso press and hold thebutton on the
button is pressed before the initialization com-a command.steering wheel for 5 seconds at any time to
pletes, the system will announce “Hands-free end the VR session. Whenever the VR ses-
phone system not ready” and will not react toThe command given is picked up by the micro-sion is cancelled, a double beep is played to
voice commands. phone, and voice feedback is given when theindicate you have exited the system.
Operating tips commandisaccepted. ● If you want to adjust the volume of the voice
To get the best performance out of the NISSAN● If you need to hear the available commandsfeedback,pressthevolumecontrolswitches
VoiceRecognitionsystem,observethefollowing:for the current menu again, say “Help” and(+ or -) on the steering wheel while being
the system will repeat them.provided with feedback. You can also use
● Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet as● If a command is not recognized, the systemthe radio volume control knob.
possible. Close the windows to eliminateannounces, “Command not recognized.● In most cases you can interrupt the voice
surrounding noises (traffic noises, vibrationPleasetryagain.”Makesurethecommandisfeedback to speak the next command by
sounds,etc.),whichmaypreventthesystemsaid exactly as prompted by the system andpressing the/button on the
fromrecognizingvoicecommandscorrectly.repeat the command in a clear voice.steering wheel.
● Waituntilthetonesoundsbeforespeakinga● If you want to go back to the previous com-● Tousethesystemfaster,youmayspeakthe
command.Otherwise,thecommandwillnotmand, you can say “Go back” or “Correc-secondlevelcommandswiththemainmenu
be received properly. tion” any time the system is waiting for acommand on the main menu. For example,
● Startspeakingacommandwithin5secondsresponse.pressthe/ buttonandafterthe
after the tone sounds. tone say, “Call Redial.”
● Speak in a natural voice without pausing
between words.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-77
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Nissan Note II 2 E12 owners manual
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